1. The Adventure's Of Quinn

    Date: 1/5/2017, Categories: Fantasy BDSM Bondage and restriction Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female solo, Female/Female Humiliation Lesbian Male / Females Oral Sex Spanking, Author: Newfavorite

    Quinn Merchantine stood at the end of the plank completely nude, her toes curled over the edge. Quinn looked into the vast ocean, miles away she could see a faint outline of Portsmouth, a bustling hub of merchant activity and her home town. She knew nothing of Portsmouth now, corrupt politicians had taken control of the city, merchants were above the law. The sharp pain of a bullwhip lashing against her back almost made her stumble into the ocean. Quinn had quietly held back her tears until now, she felt a tear run down her cheek and she began to audibly sob, she knew her spirit was breaking. Quinn heard a taunting laugh behind her, "It looks like she's not so tough after all." Quinn's head was spinning, it was just yesterday that she was the most feared female pirate on the west coast of Admentium. Just a few days previously Quinn was rich, she had a seemingly loyal crew and she had the utmost respect among her pirate cohort. Now she was stark naked in front of a stowaway who had somehow gotten four members of her crew to be complicit in a mutiny. Quinn and most of her crew had their food laced with some sort of poison that knocked them out cold. The loyal members of Quinn's crew were in shackles and would surely be sold into slavery. Quinn's fate seemed to be even worse she was being forced to walk her own plank, while being completely nude. Even if Quinn did manage to swim to Portsmouth, she would be arrested and paraded through town and probably executed on the spot, ...
    ... someone had spread the idea that she was a murderous pirate. Hope was dying fast for Quinn. With the sounds of taunting in her ears Quinn closed her eyes and jumped off the plank. Quinn threaded in the ocean sobbing as she saw her beloved ship the "Madam Ambrose" slowly turn around heading away from Portsmouth. Quinn could still hear the laughter from that bitch as she swam towards Portsmouth. Quinn mostly sold her goods at the secret port of "Pirate's Cove" various merchants from around the world bought and smuggled goods from pirate at the "Pirate's Cove" Quinn's main buyer was Jack Bellmont, a man that her deceased brothers had been friends with. Although Jack remained a mystery to Quinn as he never personally bought the goods. What Jack did do was make Quinn fairly wealthy. It was just a few weeks when Quinn was at Pirate's Cove making a transaction with Jack Bellmont's "middle-man" that she got an unexpected stowaway. She was a young woman no more than 25 years old, with raven hair and a shapely figure. Quinn was taken aback by this stowaway's beauty and her charisma. Fittingly her stated name was Charisma. Quinn was even jealous of Charisma who had a seductive but wicked smile and a natural confidence that did not at all seem forced. Charisma had straight medium lengthed blonde hair and full lips. Even through Charisma's drab clothing Quinn could see her shapley figure. Charisma's stated reason for taking refuge on the "Madam Ambrose" was her admiration for Quinn. Quinn of ...