My first Time
Date: 1/2/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Written by women
Author: Deb21483
... when I was young. Debbie, I was a late bloomer too. I then said, don't lie, do you own toys??? My dad then got up and started walking around again. I said, dang dad you are freaking me out. He sat back down. My mom said yes, but I did not buy it until after your dad and I were married. My mom then said, look, you will grow up and like any other girl start thinking about sex, and thats normal. I just want us all to keep open minds and talk about it just like we are now. Debbie we have to be able to talk. I then said we should stop as dad looked like he was going to get sick. My dad then said, no honey, I knew one day we would start these talks. He then asked me the funniest question ever. Has Lisa ever kissed you and tried o make you do things you don't want to. MY MIND wanted to explode. NO DAD, I am not a 13 year old lesbian. My mom then laughed and gave me a huge. I said, look, I am just worried I am weird and maybe we should see a doctor as I never think about sex at all. My mom told me I was 100% normal and Lisa is the one that is a bit ahead of where she should be. FAST-FORWARD one year- On my last day of school I had to get home and clean up my room before my mom and dad got home as we were leaving for a two week vacation to Marco Island. I got out at school at noon and my mom and dad would be home around 5. I had a ton of old shoes my mom told me to put into a bag for goodwill. She also told me she had a small bag in her closet on the top shelf. I went into her ...
... walk-in closet and there were boxes and bags on every shelf. I was kind of short so I got a yard stick to try to poke at the bags. That did not work so I went to the pantry and got a step stool. That was just barley enough, I then grabbed the top bag and the entire stack of boxes fell over, shoes everywhere. And then I saw a ball with straps on it. I picked it up and though what in the world. THEN IT HIT ME, OMG this is a sex toy. I had seen this on the internet. I then started looking through all the shoes and found handcuffs, and then a big life like rubber cock. OMG, I am going to be in so much trouble. How will I ever know what boxes these go into to. I then found a box of VHS tapes, but they had marker writing on them of dates. I ran into there bed room and put theVHS in and hit run. It was just my mom and dads room. I then skipped ahead and to my complete and grossed out shock was my mom giving my dad oral sex. I stopped it and put it back in the box. I then ran back into the closet and as fast as I could I started putting shoes back into boxes which had the shoes name on it. But in the end I ended up with 7 shoes, yep, uneven number, and and no box marked weird sex tapes and toys. I just shoved everything back into the boxes and stacked them up. A few weeks after we got back from vacation my mom came into my room. She asked if we could talk, I said sure. She asked if when I was getting the shoes together had i knocked down a bunch of boxes. I said, yep, and the said, its ok ...