Cherry the Cheerleader (chapter 4)
Date: 1/1/2017,
Consensual Sex
Male/Teen Female
Author: Muke Hunt Hz
... now!” her mom demanded. A shoe hit me in the head moments before another landed on my crotch followed by my clothes. The dead are not as silent or still as I was at that moment. I was certain, however, that the world could hear my pounding heart! “Cherry Chastain: if you don’t open this door this instant--!” “OK MOM! Just a second! JEEZ!” I could see Cherry’s feet from under the bed and I knew that she was still naked. In full panic, she unlocked the door and opened it just enough to poke her head around from behind the door. Her Mom wasn’t satisfied with that and pushed her way into the room. “What the hell, Cherry? Why are you naked? And why does it smell funny in here???” she demanded. “MOM! Get OUT, PLEASE?!” Cherry said almost at the same time. “Answer me! What are you doing?” Thinking quickly, Cherry said, “Fine: if you MUST know…I was…UGH! I was….you know!” Her mom said, “No I don’t; what are you doing in here?!” Cherry groaned, “I was…masturbating. THERE! Are you happy now?” “Oh, for Christ’s sakes, Cherry! Knock it off and get ready for school!” “OK! Can I just have some privacy? PLEASE?” Cherry nearly demanded. “Fine; you have an hour before the bus comes. You’re not a little kid: act like it and keep an eye on the time! I shouldn’t have to tell you this!” “I know Mom…I got it…” With that, Cherry’s Mom left her alone to get ready. I was unable to move. I heard the door lock again and Cherry jumped on the bed, peering over the side to check on me. She whispered, ...
... “I’m glad you are still here, but WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!” “I fell asleep—sorry!” was my only pleading defense. Cherry stretched down to me and kissed me good morning before taking my hand to pull me up from my hiding place. It was only then that it dawned on me that she was ‘the bus’ that hit/shoved me, sending me flying through the air. I crawled over her bed and we were both still naked. Cherry put a finger over her lips and whispered, “Come on; let’s get a shower.” She opened what I thought was a closet door and it led to her own private bathroom; her closet was on the opposite side of it. I was relieved to know that I was going to get to use the bathroom because I was about to burst! I lifted the toilet seat and Cherry stopped me in my tracks. She silently yelled, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ARE YOU INSANE?!” I whispered back, “What? I have to pee!” “Have you ever heard what you sound like while peeing standing up? You can’t pee standing up!” “Oh, yeah—right…” She shook her head and rolled her eyes at my near stupid mistake and turned to brush her teeth. As I sat on her toilet to pee, Cherry’s tight ass, complete with a light bruise the size and shape of her hand, was right in my face, swishing side to side as she vigorously brushed her teeth. I finished before she did and stood right behind her with my hands on her hips. She smiled at me in the mirror with her mouth full of foamy paste. Everything she did was sexy to me—including something as mundane as brushing teeth! My dick ...