1. We hate clothes - part 02

    Date: 12/31/2016, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Male/Teen Female Written by women Young Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... guys all cheered as they bounced up and down; not that they’d see our little tits bounce up and down. Two of the girls couldn’t avoid showing the crowd their thongs / knickers, whilst 2 others revealed that they weren’t wearing any knickers; much to the delight of the crowd. Jude went first and as she was helped up, her dress rode up letting everyone see her bare butt and pussy. As the bull bounced all over the place the buttons on her dress slowly came undone one by one. There were big cheers as her dress fell open revealing her whole naked front. When she finally lost it she ended up flat on her back on the cushions with her dress wide open. The crowd liked that. I was next and my dress rode up too. As the buttons started to come undone I reached to the front of my dress with my balance arm and tugged the rest of them open. Then as I was thrown all over the place I managed to put my balance arm back and let that side of the dress slide off my arm. With my dress just on my arm that was holding the rope at the front of the saddle, I bounced around for another minute or so before finally getting thrown off. The dress slid of the one arm as I went flying through the air, leaving me totally naked on the cushions. As I lay there I could hear the cheers and rude comments from some of the guys. I guess that most of them thought that I was embarrassed; but I wasn’t; I was loving it. When I got to my feet I picked up my dress and walked over to Jude. She was stood there with her ...
    ... dress still unbuttoned; and a couple of lads staring at her. Their eyes moved to me as I moved close to her and I guessed that Jude was a little annoyed that their attention had gone off her. We walked out to Dad and Max, dressed as we were. When Dad saw us he said, “Wow; that must have been a rough ride.” I threw my dress on the chair and while I started straightening my hair I said, “Yeah, it was; but it was fun; I want another go before we go back to England.” “I think that it might just be a good idea for you to put your dress back on.” Dad said, “You don’t know who might complain.” “No one complained when we walked down this street this afternoon, or yesterday, without any clothes on.” I said. Max looked surprised then smiled, while Dad said, “You two need to be careful; I don’t want to have to bail you out of jail.” “Oh don’t worry about us two Dad; we’re having a ball and we’re keeping our eyes open.” Jude said. “I hope so.” I thought that maybe Dad had a point so I put my dress back on but didn’t fasten it. When we got back to our room and naked and on the balcony, the girl and young man were out on their balcony with another couple. The 2 guys kept looking at us while the girls ignored us. After a while we went and lay on our bed and went to sleep. DAY 5 As we walked into the restaurant the next morning, Dad and Max were just walking out. We kissed Dad and he held Jude at arm’s length and looked her up and down. “You two come to breakfast like that every day?” He asked. ...