i****t in f****y, I fuck aunt
Date: 9/29/2015,
Author: nemotux
My name is David, I’m pretty average all around. Medium build, not really that fit with a six and a half inch penis. I was twenty when this whole thing happened and it was Thanksgiving. I didn’t have much f****y nearby but I did have my aunt, Amy. Amy was forty six with dark hair, big tits and a large ass. She wasn’t a particularly fit woman but she was still attractive. My uncle had died a few years prior leaving Amy with my young cousin. Since I had nowhere to go she invited me to Thanksgiving and I accepted. The meal was fine, sat down, ate and talked, reminisced about when my uncle was alive. Then my cousin left to spend the night with a friend and my aunt and I went into the living room to watch some TV. Soon after sitting down my aunt looks over and says: “Well David, now that Lori(my cousin) is gone we can get out the good stuff.” With this she got up and retrieved a bottle of Jack from the cupboard and two glasses and then returned to the living room. “I know this is your favorite, and you know it’s mine so I figured we would have some tonight,” she said while pouring two double shots. “Fine by me,” I replied taking my glass. “What should we drink to?” I added. She cocked her head and thought for a second then said “How about, to the good things in life. Money, whiskey, and sex.” With that we tapped glasses and shot down each of our drinks. Then she poured us each another double and again we tapped glasses and tossed them back. After the third double shot she looked ...
... over and trying to break the awkward silence asked “So, any new girls hanging around?” “No,” I replied, “They all pretty much serve a purpose that only requires a few nights. Haven’t really found any worth keeping around yet.” She smiled, leaned back and said “Oh I see…so pretty much you just fuck and run. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, everybody needs sex.” Now we had a good relationship and had talked about sex before, but I had never heard her say “fuck” in relation to sex before. So I was a little taken aback, but at the same time it kind of turned me on. And she was still smiling so I decided to see how far I could push it. So I poured us another drink. “How about you Aunt Amy?” “What about me?” “Any new guys hanging around?” I mockingly said with a smile. “No, nobody new. Not really into meeting anyone, just taking care of Lori.” “I get that,” I said swigging my drink, “But you’ve at least fucked someone lately right?” I added with a little caution. “No,” she said slowly. “Like I said, it’s hard to do things when Lori’s around. I’m afraid its just me and the internet and my battery operated friend.” We both laughed at the last part and finished our drinks and watched some more TV and then she eventually said she was going to bed. I stood up and leaned in to give her a hug. The hug lingered for a while and I took the opportunity to get brave and slightly pushed my pelvis forward into her. I thought I felt her push back so I slowly ran my hands over the top of her ass. ...