1. Erotic Proclivities 02 - Summer Beach Fun

    Date: 12/22/2016, Categories: True Story Author: wastor64

    I wonder if she realized that it was her hat that caught my attention. It was the hat which she was wearing that sealed the deal for me. It was the summer of eighty two and I was working at a private beach and tennis club in the Hamptons. The club was open for members only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from May through September. During the week the facilities were available for the small staff of us who worked there. I had spent the morning this Wednesday on the main tennis court with our club's teaching pro Frank. He helped keep up my tennis game volleying with him. That morning we had put in a couple of hours and were both ready for a good lunch break. He wanted to get a chance to rest, recover, and get a shower before clients of his started arriving for afternoon lessons. I was planning on spending time around the club house working on connecting our outdoor deck speakers. The club house was a large octagon shaped structure with glass on six sides. On the south side, the walls were sliding glass doors which opened onto the large ocean-side deck. The north side of the club house the large floor to ceiling windows looked out over the bay. The large deck on the ocean side had a board walk heading down to the beach, and a corridor leading the spacious out building housing the men's and women's changing rooms and showers. After lunch I was outside on the deck checking and adjusting speakers. I had put on some salsa on the stereo in the clubhouse and was working to make ...
    ... sure you could dance out on the deck. I noticed a large white hat, with a blue ribbon, and a lovely woman under it, walking up the boardwalk from the beach. The gate down by the road at the end of our drive had not alerted us that any members were around. The woman coming up the walk must be from one of the other beach clubs around us. This happened often because we were flanked on either side by large public beach clubs. She was a summer's vision of loveliness. She was lean and lanky with nicely tanned limbs. She wore sandals with a long, white, terry cloth wrap with which dark blue stripes, with a white bikini top, and topped it off with the wide brined white hat with a dark blue ribbon. As with most hats, there was something about how she wore it. A bit off to the side with the brim coming down to shield her face. It seemed as if she always wore hats. She carried a woven beach bag, and carried her casualness off with style. "Can I help you miss," I called from the ladder. "Oh, sorry, I seem to be misplaced,” she said looking about. "That's quite normal around here, we have such a narrow beach front," I said while getting down from the ladder and moving over to greet her. "People are often coming up from the ocean expecting to find Neptune's beach club, or the Quogue club." "Yes, the Quogue club is where I'm from," she said shaking my extended hand. "That's just a bit east of here, I'm Bill and you are at the Sand Dollar. It’s a private club." "Oh I hope I'm not trespassing ...