Diane's Submissive Adventures - The Sorority
Date: 12/22/2016, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Coercion Cruelty Discipline, Female / Girl, Female/Female Humiliation School Author: Rebelman
Diane’s Submissive Adventures: The Sorority College had just begun a few weeks before, and Diane was finally getting into the swing of things. The pace was very different from high school, but not in a bad way since she was responsible for scheduling her classes. Although she would have preferred to spend all her time pleasing the inventive twins, the two were currently preparing for football season, and their trysts together had become sporadic at best. To make matters worse, most of the boys in her classes were timid and seemed to be focused on getting good grades. It was because of the lack of attention that she was delighted when one of the girls in her algebra class invited her to apply at one of the sororities. Jeanine was a cute girl and full of energy so it would have been difficult to say no, and Diane felt excited to be a part of a group. Jeanine did warn her that initiation could be embarrassing, but she quickly added it would be worth it, unaware that Diane’s pussy began to moisten at the thought. They made plans to meet at the sorority house on Saturday night and went their separate ways. By the time the weekend finally arrived Diane was literally dripping in anticipation. It had been almost ten days since her last encounter with the twins, and the idea of being initiated into the sorority had her imagination running wild. She had fantasies of being spanked with a large paddle or being made to suck off boys to prove her allegiance. Just the idea of such treatment ...
... had her flicking her clit till all hours of the morning, and now it was finally time to go. She arrived exactly on time as to not show how eager she really was. Jeanine was already present and led her around to make introductions to the other pledges and leaders within the sorority. Shelia was the president of the group, and Diane was fascinated by her. At 5’7”, she was tall and her muscles well defined from playing sports her first three years of college. Her long blond hair hung halfway to her waist, and she had a presence about her that commanded attention. She smiled and welcomed Diane with a firm handshake before moving away, leaving the freshman a bit breathless. Jeanine giggled at her reaction and grabbed her hand to lead her to the punch table. The first taste of the elixir made Diane cough at the amount of alcohol in it, and the other girls around the table laughed at her inexperience with drinking. She blushed brightly,but her body reacted as expected with a warm tingle radiating through her groin. “HEY!” a stocky girl with short dark hair yelled above the voices from the stairs and everyone looked her way. “We’re ready to start, so pledges are required to keep quiet. Do not speak unless you are asked a direct question. If you disobey, you will be escorted out immediately and barred from the house.” This brought a complete hush among the pledges, and the stocky girl looked behind her further up the stairs and nodded to someone out of sight. Diane watched the top of ...