The New Boy
Date: 12/21/2016, Categories: True Story Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: ViperGodesss
... she covered her mouth as if she had just did something she regretted. “Why not?” I asked confused as hell. Kate didn’t have a boyfriend, she didn’t even have a crush. “Ok, I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but there’s never been a good time.” She seemed anxious. “Brandon and I have been hooking up.” “What kind of hooking up? Like making out hooking up, or having sex hooking up.” I found this humorous. I never would have seen them together. I thought Kate would have been better with Alex to be honest. “We’ve been doing the in between stuff, but I think he wants to do more.” She was really didn’t want to have sex until she was out of high school. “How long have you guys been hooking up?” I was curious how long I have been missing signs. “About 3 months now.” “Wow Kate, I can’t believe I’ve been missing the signs for that long. Hey, look out the window.” Kyle was unpacking stuff in his room. Alex’s old room, had become the room of our new neighbor. “Wait hold on a second.” I said just realizing something. “How have you guys been getting around your parents? Your parents never go anywhere.” “When our parents go to the store. He would come over my house and vice versa.” She admitted. “Nice.” We were both watching Kyle. He was so sexy. His muscles were perfectly toned and he had a nice 6-pack. We were both pretty much drooling over this kid. I had a note pad on the window sill from when I and Alex would write notes. There wasn’t a big gap between our houses. It was about 15 ...
... feet. He finally looked over and saw us. We waved and he waved and smiled back. I took the marker and wrote a note on the note pad. “Want to come over once my dad leaves?” He nodded his head yes. Kate and I were both so excited. “Can I text Brandon and see if he wants to come?” Kate always assumed she needed to ask. “Kate you don’t need to ask, he’s one of my best friends too.” I got up and searched my closet of something more comfortable than my unicorn pajama pants. I put on some galaxy spandex and a white tank top. Kate was a little bigger than I was. So she just went home and grabbed clothes real quick. Kate and I went downstairs and watched Netflix until my dad left. He jumped in the taxi and left in a flash. He was gone for about 5 minutes when Brandon came over. I went upstairs to let Kyle know he could come now. I wrote the note and taped it to the window. He must have seen my dad leave because he was on the couch when I came back down. “Oh hey. I just left a note saying you can come over now.” I said sitting on the couch next to him. “Do you guys want to do something?” Kate asked. We all nodded our heads. “Does anyone want a drink?” I asked. “Yeah I’ll have one.” Kyle said. “Let me help you.” He got up and followed me into the kitchen. I grabbed two beers from the fridge and gave one to Kyle. He opened his no problem, but I needed some help. “Here let me help you.” He opened my beer exactly how he opened his. We stayed in the kitchen and drank our beers talking and ...