1. Unwanted attention - Chapter 11

    Date: 12/20/2016, Categories: Diary, Anal Authoritarian, Blackmail, Blowjob Cum Swallowing Humiliation Male/Teen Female Reluctance Teen Written by women Young Author: young_Jasmine

    ... looking him straight in the eye with defiance. -“… Actually I would like to talk more about this but we will have to put a pin in it until next time since our time is almost up and I want you to clean yourself up a bit before your mom gets here.’’ So I got up, naked, and walked to his private bathroom and turned the sink on to wash myself a bit. He asked me to leave the door open so he can watch me some more before I left. I wiped myself up and bent down to rinse my mouth a bit but he stopped me: -“Don’t rinse, in fact don’t even have a drink. I want you to go home with some cum taste in your mouth like a little slut…’’ As I got dressed he looked over his schedule and asked to speak to my mom when she gets here about moving the next session to a different day. I looked at the time and we were past the hour so I made myself look semi presentable and stepped out of the office with him closely behind me. My mom was in the lobby and got up when she saw Dr. Carter -“Hello Misses Jones, how are you?” he politely asked “Well, thank you doctor. How is Jasmine’s counseling going? -“We are making good progress, in fact we had a really deep talk today…. But I won’t bother you with all the details. Just want you to know that she is in good hands. She is quite a good listener and as long as she does as required for our therapy the progress will continue as ...
    ... expected.” My mom was happy to hear this but I was reading between the lines and just felt a nod in my stomach… “I wanted to talk to you about next week’s schedule, I will not able to meet with Jasmine on Monday, so was hoping we could move it to Tuesday just for this next week. I hope this doesn’t emptied any other plans that you may have…” ‘’No, not at all, in fact it works great for us, you see, my husband and I are going out of town for the weekend and we are leaving the kids by themselves. We should be back on Monday but I’m not sure what time, so this works fine for us not to have be in such a hurry to make the appointment.” The good doctor just smiled and after exchanging a few pleasantries we left the office. I didn’t like the look of that smile but didn’t think much of it either. I had my mind on other things like what I was just submitted to in his office, the foul taste in my mouth, plus the fact that my knees were still a bit shaky from the forced orgasms that I had just experienced at the pervert’s hand. We arrived home and I just ran upstairs for the bathroom sink. I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth, and rinsed again. The taste was physically gone but in my mind it was still there. I checked to see if I had enough bath towels and then got in the shower. I spent the rest of the day in my room quietly, I wanted no contact with anyone… 