1. Ms. Stevens

    Date: 12/14/2016, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Consensual Sex Drug, First Time Male/Female School Teen Male / Female Author: pornographyjones

    Paul hated this moment. The moment just after his alarm went off, as his dream fled from his mind to make room for the sudden, crushing realization that it was the first day of school. The knowledge pressed on him like a weight, pulling him down. The alarm was still buzzing in that annoying tone that he had always dreaded. His bed, by contrast, seemed warm, soft and incredibly inviting. By sheer force of will, he managed to drag the blissful sheets off of his body, turn off the alarm and get out of bed. His bare feet slapped against the cold tiles as he trudged his way to the bathroom to shower. He was not a morning person, he decided. He turned on the shower, the warm jets of water spraying out and steaming up the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, Paul relaxed into the soft streams of warm water. He slumped against the cold glass and slid down to the bottom of the shower. He loved the feeling of the hot water, slightly cooler by the time it reached the bottom of the shower. When he got out of the shower, he felt less inclined to collapse back into bed and sleep for all eternity, at least. He toweled himself off and trudged back into his room, only slightly less heavily than he had on the way there. He got dressed in a fresh set of clothes and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. One of Paul's unique characteristics was that he always had a cup of tea in the morning. Steaming hot and black, it now sat before him with his bowl of soggy cornflakes. He thought about ...
    ... how he had spent his summer, with more than a tinge of regret. He had mostly hung out with friends, smoked buds and played video games. An enviable social life, he thought sarcastically. Paul often wished he had a girlfriend to occupy his time, but the truth was he was absolutely hopeless with girls. He still had his virginity, and he wasn't really all that close to losing it, if he was honest with himself. Sighing, he took a gulp of tea, enjoying the feeling of it as it cleared his throat and warmed his chest. Glancing at the clock, Paul realized with a start that he had to leave for school. He said a quick goodbye to his parents and walked out to his car, a faded red Toyota, and got in. The engine turned, gave a pitiable splutter, and then started. He drove to Jeff, his best friend's house, and waited out the front for him. After a while, Paul got impatient and gave the horn a series of honks until finally Jeff emerged from his house, his disorganization plainly evident. He got in and sank into the soft cushioned seat. "Hey man", said Paul simply. Jeff groaned in response and rubbed his eyes, his post-shower fresh feeling wearing off. "Hey", he finally said. "That tired, huh?" asked Paul sympathetically "You have no idea," Jeff laughed. They drove the rest of the way, listening to music and talking about everything from basketball to girls. When they passed through the school gates, Paul felt an overpowering sense of weariness at entering into his senior year at Lakeview ...