1. 2-for-1 Discount

    Date: 9/28/2015, Categories: Mature Author: prairiedogg

    ... like giving them a break. Besides, word might get out and we could make a killing on this." "What do you have in mind?" "I was thinking $2000 for the two of them." Vanessa looked skeptical, but I used a little logic on her. "Think about it, Vanessa. Look at it like a $500 bonus for the night. It isn't fair to charge them double, so I think $2000 is fine. You're still looking at a $400 fee. If we booked a single you'd only be getting $300. Everybody makes out if we do it my way." Vanessa could only smile at my logic. "Okay, Chas, I'll tell them they are catching a break. They want to do this on Saturday night. Is that okay with you?" "That will be perfect. If they are good, I'll have all day Sunday to recover. Don't book anything for Sunday, though." Friday night I had a repeat customer, Ingrid. She was divorced and didn't want to dive back into the dating pool, so she decided to pay for her sexual needs. Ingrid was, how shall I say, a little tiny in the vagina. When she saw my big cock she really had second thoughts about going through with it, but I took my time with her and before we were done she was begging me to ram it home hard. She's been a regular ever since, seeing me once every 6-8 weeks. Vanessa had given me the information on the two women for Saturday night. Their names were Patricia and Ramona. I was to meet them at a bar that I wasn't familiar with, so I figured to get there a little before 8 o'clock, which was our appointment time. As I sat at the bar, I ...
    ... wondered what pair would walk through the door. I was sure they would be attractive, because Vanessa knew what I liked and what could be a deal breaker. I had barely ordered my drink when they walked up to me at the bar. Patricia was a larger woman, not fat, but just big all over, like an Amazon. She had curly blonde hair, big tits and she had a devilishly seductive grin on her face. She looked to be a lot of fun. Her partner, Ramona, was the polar opposite of Patricia. Ramona was beyond thin, with a tight but attractive face and a pixie cut hairdo. She wore pants and a tight t-shirt under a black suit jacket. She was mysterious enough to make me wonder what her body would look like on all fours, with my big cock shoved up her skinny ass. I had every intention of finding out. As we had drinks, Patricia was outgoing, laughing and outrageous. Ramona hardly said a word, but when I suggested that we adjourn to someplace a little more private, her eyes lit up and I detected a slight smile. Patricia told me to follow them to their place, and to try and keep up, because she liked to drive fast. Of course. After nearly falling too far behind Patricia I managed to follow her to their home. It was in the hills overlooking the city, remote enough to guarantee privacy, but not too far off the main roads. I followed the ladies inside and we stood inside the foyer looking awkwardly at each other. "So what do we do now?" said Patricia. "Is there some kind of protocol we have to follow?" I shook ...