1. Dilemma 4

    Date: 12/13/2016, Categories: True Story Erotica Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Oral Sex Author: ohbegentle

    I hope you have read 1 2 3 Thank for the wonderful colorful comments..... you make my day.... Dilemma 4 The next day, whilst Krystal slept peacefully, the alarm beckoned me to rise and I headed off to work. I was extremely busy with my duties, and time flew by quickly, before I knew it, lunchtime was upon me. I had no thoughts of Tracey, until I heard her voice coming from one of the interview rooms, she had her back to me, talking to one of the clients. I remembered our little encounter in the medication room the other day, with a smile. I kept walking, thinking am I playing with fire, playing around with Tracey the other day was naughty, but fun. Perhaps I should tell her, I was sorry for teasing her the other day, and that Krystal and I were good. Just then, I heard the scurry of feet behind me, it was Tracey rushing up behind me," Hi stranger", discreetly, she lightly touched my buttocks. I turned, and smiled, informing her I had days off recently and how had she been. We walked, and talked, Tracey keeping very close to me, I could smell her alluring perfume, I felt so comfortable when we chatted. Tracey had that natural ability, to keep one interested in her conversation, and of course her attractive appearance helped. I was thinking, how should I tell Tracey, we should ease off, that our playing and teasing each other should stop. We parted company at that point, having to go to different areas of the ward, I hadn't been confident enough to broach the subject yet. ...
    ... Then a 2 p.m. staff were requested to attend an in service, educational film, in the study room. I positioned myself at the back of the room, we were informed the film would go for approximately 30 minutes. As the lights were being turned off , for better viewing, Tracey entered, and sat beside me, we were sitting behind desks. All of the other people were in front of us, their backs to us, eagerly awaiting the film to start. The film had only been running for one minute, when Tracey, reached and placed her hand on my crotch, my eyes darted to her, I could see the smile on her face. Fuck, I grabbed her hand to stop her playing, she leaned over closer, blowing in my ear. Luckily we had the desk for cover, and everyone was intently viewing the film. I thought , fuck, we can't draw attention to ourselves, we have to be quiet. What's she doing, teasing I know - but I don't want to lose my job and I'm sure neither does she. Well the grope and ear blow, certainly had its affect, Mr penis rose in my pants. Oh shit ! Awkward. Tracey by sitting so close, was distracting, the natural warmth - of our bodies was increasing. I was hoping that Tracey had, had her fun and would back off. I was wrong, she took my hand, and pulled it towards her open mouth, selecting one of my fingers to suck. I didn't want to make a sound by rejecting, so she sucked my finger, moving it in and out of her mouth, it did feel good. Then quietly, Tracey moved a little in the seat, parting her legs. She took my wet ...