1. MILF gets BLACKED at mall

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: Hardcore Interracial Sex, Mature Author: imornery81, Source: xHamster

    ... her and through barely open eyes, she saw the young man arch his back as he slammed everything into her. Back and forth between them the pulses, twitches, shudders and clenching went for what seemed like forever before she squeezed one more time and his softened girth slid out of her to hang between his legs. The both laughed. The receptical at the end of the condom stood out stiff from his cock like a little white cock, it was so full of cum! &#034Now that reminds me of my husband! Just a little white cock!&#034 They both laughed as they struggled to get their pounding hearts back to normal and get oxygen moving through more of their bodies than just their genital. After pealing the latex from his cock, he stepped up to where she was daubing and wiping at her thighs and raw labial lips. &#034I got a treat for the lady.&#034 he said with a wicked smile. Tina looked from his face to the condom and then reached up, took the cum filled sack and pushed the thick white cream into her mouth where she swallowed every drop. &#034Shit. Ain't nobody gonna believe this!&#034 he said quietly. &#034I'm counting on that! &#034 she said with a smile. Then pulling her sunglasses down off of the top of her head over her eyes and much of her face, she stepped around the still nearly naked young man, unlocked the door and walked out to her car and drove home, already thinking about the possibilities for next month! ~~~~~~~ Probably not a story most of my normal readers will get into. It is off of the &#034beating path&#034 for me, so to speak. So what do you think? Did you like it? Hate it? If you hate it, tell me why!! Don't just down vote it, I need to know why, even if you do it in a PM. Can you see it happening? Ladies..... Have I inspired you to try something new the next time you go to the mall? Please comment and vote. It really helps me know what you want more (and less)of in my writings! Thanks for reading!