1. College life Spring semester 2

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: Gay Male, Author: ab8715, Source: xHamster

    ******************* At 7:15 am on a Tuesday here the second week of January, my phone alarm was going off in my ear. I rolled out of bed and saw Kris didn't move a muscle. I showered as usual to prepare for my first day of classes for the spring semester here at college. Heading out to my classes, Scott walked with me. "Sucks balls to have an eighter," Scott stated. "You're telling me." "Well, I can get this shit over and have the rest of the day free to do whatever." "That's what I was thinking." "Have you heard from Hayden, by the way?" "Scott, I haven't. Would you take him back if he were to ask?" Scott shrugged his shoulders in his new grey Polo hoodie, "It really depends, Matt. If he was sincere about it, I might do it. If he waits much longer, I may say the hell with it and move on like I've really been trying. I still don't get him. I thought we had something going, close to what you and Corey have going." "I'll see ya in class," I said, pulling on the cold handles to enter the building of my first class. I found the room without a problem since I had a class in this same building the semester before. I took my seat at the desk and pulled out my laptop, a requirement for every student here. Looking around, no one looked familiar until I saw Hayden coming in the door just before the class started. He took an open desk but not close to me. The lady professor started our class with an introduction. After that, it was all I could do to stay awake with her monotone voice. ...
    ... Once class ended, it was a rush to have my laptop put back up and dart out to catch Hayden. He was standing and waiting. Hayden smiled at me dressed in a nice shirt and jeans. "Hey Matt, how's everything going?" "Fine with me. How about you?" "Ummm... okay, I guess. I really had a great holiday." "Same here." "How's everyone on the hall? I miss everyone." "Everyone's great. I'm not certain but I think someone really misses you, Hayden." We walked out the door with a few minutes to kill since our class dismissed a few minutes early. "Well... I don't if I'm ready to get back with Scott. It's too risky right now." "Hayden, I really don't know your situation that well other than what you've told me but... how risky is it to be out here and have Scott as a boyfriend?" "Matt, you don't know shit!" Hayden stated firmly. "All I know is I think you loved Scott. I know he loved you. That should go for something even if you're not out back home." "I'll see ya around, Matt. I'm glad we have a class together though," Hayden stated and walked away. I headed off to the Student Center to grab some hot chocolate and kill more time before my next class. The center was abuzz with activity on the first day as expected. Sitting and slurping the hot chocolate, my eyes feasted on a ton of really cute hot guys. I knew I could look and admire but they didn't compare in my eyes to Corey but I still looked. After finishing, I headed to my next class. I had history again with Kris along with adding Jess ...