1. Nadia's Unchained Love - Parts III & IV

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: sanchasmasher, Source: xHamster

    ... pairs of chains. Pain shot through Nadia's shoulders as the angle and height caused her to stretch her arms in the most uncomfortable manner. Nadia, without thinking, let out a whimper. She soon felt those coarse farm hands around her throat. "What did you say, bitch," James bellowed. The air was silent as Nadia held back the tears in her eyes. Again, she flashed back to her life at home with Mike and devastation he would feel if he saw the woman he loved being manhandled like this. "I'm sorry Daddy," she managed to get out despite James' best effort to make it tough for her to breathe. James released his grip and went back to attaching her feet to the last pair of chains. Nadia now found herself suspended three feet in the air with watery eyes and neck pulsating from James' firm grip. James walked to the stairs and looked back at her dangling naked in the air. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back," he said with an uncharacteristic chuckle. Nadia finally released a tear and it rolled down her right cheek. She prayed James would not notice it when he returned. She was then consumed with the thoughts of what James had in store for her. This time, James' return to the cold, dark but sunlit basement was faster than before. Nadia heard the all to familiar footsteps of James' size 12 boots clomping down the stairs. As he approached she noticed he had a small duffel bag with him. Judging by the various bulges and creases, the bag seemed to be pretty full. James set the bag on his ...
    ... workbench. Nadia took a deep breath. "There is no safe word today," said James. Nadia always felt safe knowing that she had the power of saying one word to regain control if James went to far. But with James' latest declaration, her increasing level of anxiety mixed with her increasing level of arousal to give her the biggest rush she has ever felt. Her toes began to tingle. She only got this way when she was very aroused and only with James. "Yeah, let's try this first," James said digging through his bag. He then drew out of his bag a long, thick candle. Despite her nervousness, Nadia thought about how much the candle reminded her of her favorite porn star's rather large anatomy. She dared not saying anything to James about this, especially considering she could not imagine he would be too keen on the idea of her fantasizing about Lexington Steele while with him. "This will be our official timer," said James. Puzzled, Nadia began to wonder just what James was talking about. Before she could finish her thought, she was startled by the sensation of a large candle being rammed up her pussy, butt end first. Nadia gasped. She was not expecting that. Normally James talked her through what he would do to her. Today was different. James then fished his lucky Zippo lighter, the one with the Packers logo on it, out of his pocket and lit the candle. "When the flame gets within an inch of your pussy, we are done and I'll send you home to Mike." James said. "Yes Daddy," Nadia said, not ...