1. A new spark

    Date: 9/27/2015, Categories: Cheating Author: RobertMcCullum

    My name is Dillon and I’m bored. I never imagined my life as an executive administrator to be a whirlwind of excitement, but this is getting out of hand. I can handle not having the most glamorous job in the world, but to come home and be even more bored than I am at the office is starting to get to me. At home waiting for me every day is my longtime girlfriend, Veronica. A very beautiful and once interesting woman. However every day has become the same grind, I come home and attempt to kiss her hallo. She then coldly turns her cheek towards me and tells me that dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Dinner is eaten in front of the TV, after which I do the dishes and she goes to the country club. I think the whole time we say not more than twenty words to each other. I’ve tried changing things up, by offering to cook, or going out or suggesting fun things to do together. Every once in a while she bites but mostly I get the cold shoulder. I’m not a country club person and neither was Veronica when we met. Through the years this has changed. Our jobs and incomes got bigger. Big enough, to receive an invitation to a private club. I go every once in a while to play squash or use the fitness facilities. Veronica on the other hand has embraced the country club lifestyle. The outfits, functions and gossip. Lots of it. Who does what to whom and where. She used to tell me every detail. After a row one day, where in I made clear, I was not interested in all that noise, she’s gone quiet ...
    ... about the whole thing. While she’s at the club I do some work, watch TV, and most days, porn. Mind you, I watch porn but only once or twice a week do I masturbate. I watch it for the distraction, browsing through porn-sites trying to find that one scene that’ll illicit a response. Most days I can’t find whatever my caveman brain is looking for. I used to hide my on-line activity but now, it’s gotten to the point that I stopped clearing my browser history. In fact, I hope she finds it, it might spark something in her. I’ve tried everything else. Long massages, going down on her for ages, foreplay in which she is completely uninterested. When I try to talk to her about it, I either get called a perv or given a brush off, like, I’m tired. I’m starting to give up. But not easily swayed I decide to give it one more big try. A plan for Friday night. The morning starts like any other. I get up at five to go to work, leaving Veronica asleep. On my way back from work I reserve an extravagant hotel room, with a romantic view and large Jacuzzi bath, I also buy some flowers and her favorite chocolates. My plan is to pick her up from the club and whisk her off, for an evening get away. On coming home I sneak into her car and put the chocolates in her glove box. Giving her the flowers, she replies that they’re nice but it so wasteful because they’ll just wilt and die. “Strike one, swing and a miss.” During dinner there is a conversation, but it centers around the flowers and about how she ...