Date: 12/2/2016, Categories: True Story First Time Older Female / Males, Author: Lostlady

    It happened two years ago, when my daughter graduated from high school. I had thrown a party for her and some of her friends on the night before she was to go away for a week at the Jersey shore, my graduation present. The shore trip is fairly common for grads around here. As the celebration was winding up, I mentioned that I was going to be stuck cleaning up the mess the next day by myself while she and her buddies would be off enjoying themselves. She just laughed and said that’s life. “Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don’t. Tomorrow’s my lucky day, not yours, I guess!” she teased. “Well, that’s gratitude,” I joked, “for all my hard work. Kids today!” Smiling she stepped forward and gave me a hug. “Love ya, Mom.” Then almost as an afterthought, "If you’re serious about needing help, I’ll see if Tommy’s doing anything tomorrow, he’ll probably be glad to help.” Tommy was from the neighborhood, a nice 19 year old kid; I’d hired him before to cut grass and do odd jobs in previous summers. When I asked if he wasn’t going away with the rest of the gang, she explained that since me had graduated the year before, he really wasn’t part of the gang anymore, besides he was saving his money for the fall when he was going away to college. Smart kid I thought to myself. Then Lucy told me he kind of stuck to himself most times, and despite the fact that he was a nice guy and well liked, he didn’t socialize much. “No girlfriends?” I asked, because he wasn’t a bad looking kid and ...
    ... well mannered. “No, none, not that a few weren’t interested.” “Gay?” “Don’t think so, I think he likes girls, but he’s maybe a little afraid of us, you know, the shy type.” With that she left, I saw her walk over to Tommy and begin talking. A few minutes later Tommy came over to me.” “Lucy said you might need some help in the morning, cleaning up. I’d be glad to help.” I told him it really wasn’t that bad, but if he was free I’d be glad to pay him for his time. He assured me that would not be necessary. “You paid for the party; it’s the least I can do. Think of it as my way of paying back.” He was that kind of a guy. He came by the next morning to help, even though the mess wasn’t as bad as it had seemed the previous night. I really hadn’t needed any help, but I liked having someone to talk to while I worked, and I was curious about what Lucy had said about him at the party. He didn’t seem to be the type who would have problems dealing with the opposite sex. As I said, he wasn’t bad looking, but also neat, well spoken, polite, and smart. He seemed almost too good to be true. I still hadn’t ruled out gay. After we stored the folding tables and chairs in the garage, hosed off the patio, and loaded the dishwasher, I decided it was time for a break. It was a hot morning, so we went into the kitchen where I got out a pitcher of iced tea and poured a couple of glasses. We sat at the table and talked while we cooled off. At first the conversation was pretty general; how did it feel to ...