Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away
Date: 12/2/2016,
True Story
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: slick_chick
... "wore the pants" in my family--especially didn't like the fact that Ray and I were getting very serious. He had already given me a promise ring, which I was proud to wear. And worst of all, from my mother's racial-purist point-of-view, Ray wasn't Hispanic. The last thing that my mother wanted was for me to be head-over-heels in love with a non-Hispanic guy, which is exactly what had ended up happening. So I did the only thing logical thing that I could think of: I ran away from home. I snuck out of my house late that same night (the night that my mother told me that she was forbidding me from dating Ray ever again). I walked to Ray's house, which was a little over a mile and a half away from mine. I unexpectedly showed up on his doorstep at around 2:00 A.M., knocked on his front door and woke him up from a sound sleep. I asked if I could spend the night--and I never left. And that's how Ray and I ended up living together. For several months, Ray continued to "honor my wishes" and avoid having sexual intercourse with me, despite the fact that we were sleeping in the same twin-size bed together, and having sex at least four or five times a week. And although Ray's penis never actually penetrated my vagina during that whole time period, our lovemaking continued to get bolder and bolder, as Ray brought his dick into direct contact with my pussy more and more often. Of course, I was always more-than-happy to cooperate with him during sex. Then one afternoon, after Ray had finally ...
... gotten so sexually frustrated that he just couldn't wait any longer, he went ahead and fucked me--which is exactly what I had been waiting for him to do, ever since I had moved in with him. Of course, Ray assumed that he was taking my virginity that afternoon. And so I acted as if he had, even though I knew the real truth. By the way, Ray was wearing a condom when he fucked me that very first time. From that day forward--and at my insistence--Ray and I began having sexual intercourse as an integral part of our lovemaking. And once we had begun fucking like rabbits, we naturally became more and more intimate with each other. Over the course of the next several months, we talked about each other's private sexual fantasies, our earlier romantic relationships with other people, our sexual preferences, and various other sexually-related topics. We did this, usually as a prelude to our lovemaking. During this same time period, Ray and I experimented freely during sex, as we both tried new things. We also coached each other on how each of us could become better sex partners for the other person. And through this extensive sexual coaching, Ray soon discovered that I had some very unique sexual tastes and desires. As Ray and I kept on experimenting and coaching each other, our lovemaking quickly transformed into something that had little resemblance to what it had been, when Ray and I had first begun having sex together. At one point, Ray admitted to me that my unique sexuality really ...