1. Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away

    Date: 12/2/2016, Categories: True Story First Time Latina, Rape Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Written by women Author: slick_chick

    ... school-sponsored sex education classes for me to attend. And so I was pretty much left to learn about sex on my own, from wherever I could find the information. And thanks to my strict Spanish Roman-Catholic upbringing--in conjunction with my two parents, who steadfastly refused to discuss things like "the birds and the bees" with me--I lived a very sheltered life, and therefore didn't have much access to that kind of information. However, I still did manage to learn a few things anyway. For instance, several months after my mother had gotten pregnant with my little sister (I'm not sure exactly how far along she was in her pregnancy, but she was definitely "showing"), I was around eight or nine years old at the time, and I curiously asked my mother where babies came from. And she basically told me, "When a man and a woman love each other enough, a baby starts growing inside of the woman's tummy. And the baby will just keep on growing bigger and bigger, until it's finally born, nine months later (you'll notice that my mother skillfully neglected to mention how this internal-baby-growing process gets started)." So I asked her, "Where does the baby come out of, when it's born?" And she told me, "The baby comes out of the woman's body, down between her legs, through a very special hole, called a 'birth canal.'" "Do I have one of these 'birth canals' that you're talking about?" I asked. And she told me, "Of course you do. All girls have birth canals down between their legs. ...
    ... That's what makes them girls, instead of boys." And that's when an imaginary light bulb went off in my head, and it didn't take me very long at all to figure out that the large orifice at the very rear of my pussy crack was actually my birth canal. Up until my mother finally enlightened me about "birth canals," I had just thought that my vagina was this big, useless hole--as opposed to my other two, much-smaller holes (my urethra and my anus), which each served a very specific and necessary bodily-function purpose. Whereas all I previously knew about my "big hole," was that I liked to stick my fingers up inside of it, because it always felt really good to me, whenever I did that. And even when I finally started high school, I still preferred to think of my vagina (my birth canal) as being my "big hole." Naturally, upon hearing my mother's explanation that day, I had gone ahead and asked her the next question that had instantly popped up in my mind, "If us girls have birth canals down between our legs, then what to do boys have?" My mother awkwardly hesitated and looked pretty uncomfortable, like she didn't really want to answer my question. But then she finally replied, "They've got something called a 'penis.' But you really don't need to be worrying yourself about that kind of stuff right now." Just for the record, to the best of my memory, that was the first--and the last--time that my mother ever had a sexually-related, "birds and bees" kind of conversation with me. And it was ...