1. Meet and Fuck: Tuesday Night

    Date: 9/26/2015, Categories: Fetish, Voyeur, Author: rhyze, Source: xHamster

    ... the unmoving door then stared back at her chardonnay that she'd only taken maybe three sips of. It'd been at least an hour since she came in. Clearly she had been stood up. "Hey Max, take the hottie a double of Patron and a..." I trailed off as I looked at her like she was a puzzle to solve. "Blue Moon." Without another word he shuffled off to test my fate. As he set the drinks down in front of her she first looked confused. She shook her head like she was clearing out some cobwebs then blurted out, "I didn't order these." Max, in his most humble and stoic way just pointed at me at the end of the bar. I raised my mostly empty glass in cheers. She smiled back in thanks. She slammed back the shot, skipping the lime and grabbed up her things, relocating herself next to me at my end of the bar. "Thank you kind sir. You must be a carnival worker with amazing drink guessing skills like that." "I didn't think you looked like a whino." I said with a smirk. I noticed she didn't bother dragging her chardonnay down with her. I tilted back the rest of my beer and she tilted hers back in kind. Mine being mostly gone already was finished fairly quickly, but she managed to down her entire beer almost right behind me. "No, I guess you could say not." She giggled. Her attitude had managed to do a 180 in the last minute or so. She looked even more beautiful with a smile on her face. She signaled Max to bring two more beers down to us. "So what is my kind sir's name?" "Tonight I'm misery my ...
    ... dear. And you look to be my company." I said in a sour tone. "Given my night I might just steal your name and you can bemy company." She replied with a twinkle in her eye. "But there is something sexy about not knowing your name..." And there it was. She was indeed putting on a show with the whine and skirt. She was definitely more barfly than schoolmarm. I nursed my next beer while she burned through hers. She had some catching up to do from my perspective anyways. As we drank we discussed our perspective miseries. I told her about my impending unemployment, she told me about getting stood up by Mr Not Quite Here after spending months getting him to agree to this date. Our talk seemed to be cathartic for both of us and soon we were just chattering about any little thing happy as if nothing bad had happened that day. She excused herself to the bathroom. Max came over and for the first time that night actually spoke to me. "You know, that corner over there is pretty private." He winked and shuffled back to the other end of the bar, leaving two fresh beers in his wake. As my barfly came back to me I decided to press my luck a little more. Maybe it was the beauty of this girl. Maybe it was the beers. It was definitely, at least partially, the tequila. Before she could sit back down I glanced over at the corner Max had indicated and said to her, "Max tells me that corner is a little more private..." She looked over at it. Then she drained her beer in progress and grabbed her fresh ...