A Harmless Competition Leads to a Threeway
Date: 11/24/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Asian, Ass to mouth Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Female / Girl, Female/Female First Time Girls / Female, Group Sex Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex Teen Teen Male / Female Teen Male/Teen Females, Virginity Author: hard_luke
Based on true events, names have been changed for privacies sake. Hope you like it, its my first story by the way. It was a boiling summers day, I was sat in my room scrolling through social media on my phone. Nothing was happening, all my friends were basically doing the same thing Australia's summer was definitely in full swing. From what I could tell, the only form of social gatherings were in the supposed "popular" group. This was a bit of a shame considering that I wasn't particularly a part of said group. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a social reject, I just didn't find the need to drink and smoke weed, instead I just sat at home playing video games or went out riding on my bike. Not only that, I didn't really meet the aesthetic standards of the group. I'm about 5 foot 7, somehow kind of lanky with bits of muscle mainly on my legs. I have dark brown hair that goes down to just above my shoulders and is relatively wavy. I had been told I was attractive before numerous times I just didn't have girls fawning over me constantly. Anyway, I clicked the home button on my phone and stared at my background for a moment. It was a photo I took of a tree in front of a lake at the park I go quite frequently. All of a sudden a notification appeared on the top of the screen. A message. Olivia wanted me to go to hers, she lived just around the corner to me so it wasn't that much to ask of me. I asked her why, seeing as we didn't hang out much anymore (We had a thing before, nothing ...
... happened. She was frigid in real life so the most that happened was a really kinky sexting session and hugs). I thought I might as well seeing as there was shit all else to do. I got myself ready to leave when i saw she had sent another message. "Amanda is here by the way." Amanda was Olivia's best friend and the more attractive of the two. I got to Olivia's house and knocked on her front door. Moments later it swang open. Olivia greeted me with a smile and led me inside. This was the first time I had been in her house. We walked down the dark hallway and into the living room exchanging small talk. We turned and went down another hallway and eventually arrived at Olivia's bedroom. It was clean except for a few items of clothing draped across her queen sized bed. Sprawled across that bed was Amanda. I sat down on the desk chair in front Olivia's old white desk and turned around to face the girls. Conversation went smoothly for a good 15 minutes as we discussions about various things and people when eventually it came to an argument. Olivia acted very full of her self at times, of course she wasn't in reality but it was just apart of the way she acted. She believed she was better than me, I disagreed. This was the main topic of our argument."I know, let's solve this with some competitions and I'll judge," suggested Amanda. When i said Amanda was the more attractive of the two earlier, I wasn't lying. She was half Malaysian and half Canadian having lived in Australia her whole life. ...