1. Sandie's First Swing - Part 2

    Date: 11/24/2016, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: JennyGently

    One of the problems with a true story is that the Author has to wait for ‘Real Life’ to take place before she knows what the outcome of the tale is going to be. Simply making it up would be a betrayal of trust! The author also has to get the main character involved to agree to have intimate details of her life revealed for all the world to see. That’s an even more difficult thing to achieve. I would like to thank my good friend ‘Sandie’ for having the courage to live through it all and for allowing me to share more of her life with you in this way. I hope you enjoy the continued story. *** “I miss you already,” my husband told me softly. “Have a safe trip. I love you too,” I whispered into the phone before replacing the handset in its cradle. It was a Friday morning, almost a full year after the events told in Sandie’s First Swing had taken place and I was at home. My husband Tom was at work and as I wished him a safe journey to his weekend conference, I knew I would miss him terribly. Despite this, I was feeling good; good about us, our family and about our life, in sharp contrast to the terrible condition I had been in only three months ago and from which it had been so difficult and painful to recover. It had taken many weeks after that fateful night in Wales when my husband and I had both been seduced by our friends Lisa and Paul, but eventually we had re-established enough trust for life to return to something resembling normal. I think we both knew that our marriage ...
    ... could never be quite the same again but after weeks of arguments, accusations, tantrums and tears, the memories and recriminations had gradually lost their sharpness and had stopped interfering in our relationship on a day-to-day basis. From the outside at least, we were still a normal, happily married couple. I suspect, had it not been for the unexpected pregnancy that had followed my only infidelity; my one stupid night of unprotected sex with Paul and the terrible termination that had ensued, Tom and I might have managed to get over the incident altogether. In all our arguments since, it was this issue that had caused the most damage. Tom couldn’t forgive my stupidity in having unprotected sex. I not only believed Tom had deliberately put me in that position but it was me who had to endure the considerable physical and emotional consequences of dealing with the consequences. But that debate was pointless now; the facts were simple and undisputable: Paul had very easily seduced me; I had foolishly not even thought of contraception; I had got pregnant; had an abortion and now we had to live with it. The only question, still unanswered was whether Tom had seduced Lisa or Lisa had seduced Tom. I had accepted that, for the sake of our marriage, it would have to remain unanswered. The tension was partly my fault; for weeks after the termination, my hormone-driven moods had been highly erratic, lurching from elation to severe guilt-driven depression without warning. My normally deep ...