Date: 11/23/2016, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Female / Girl, Author: blueheatt

    ... cuming on her panties again. She had just enough time to cum before leaving for school. Her secret prize loomed in her mind as she fingered her clit. She grabbed her bag and got the panties bag. She slowly opened it and out came the aroma. Her orgasm was peaking as she put her tongue on the wet panties. The taste of his cum sent her over the top as her finger rubbed her clit fast. Her body bucked and twitched and the climax took her over. Her tongue tingled as she savored the taste over and over. A wave of euphoria jolted through her body, and she lost her breath, and gasp for air. She lay stunned that this had really taken place. Her pussy dripped as it twitched inside with new feelings. She lay quiet. Savoring the feelings as long as possible. -------------- At school she had the urge to tell her best friend Stacy, her new discovery, but feared she would think she was weird. She kept her secret to herself. She smiled all day knowing their were her wet cummed on panties in her back pack. After school Stacy came over to hang out. Ann slowly led the talk to talking about having sex with guys. She ask her what she thought about the aroma of a guys cum. Stacy said the aroma made her hot, and gave her tingles. Ann now couldn’t resist asking: “What about the taste?” ….Stacy said she’d never tasted any, but other girls said they liked it, but some said it was kinda salty and didn’t have much taste other than it was slick, but yet exciting to taste. Ann’s heart started beating ...
    ... faster and she gulped and asked Stacy….”Would you like to taste some?” Stacy said: “Yes!….then I would know what these girls are all talking about”. She decided to tell Stacy about her dad cuming in her panties, and hiding them away. Stacy’s eyes got real big and said: “Oh my god!….Lynn told me her dad does that too!…he has the hots for her and she wants to have sex with him, but she’s afraid they‘ll get caught.” Stacy whispered: (“…has your dad made a move on you before?…”) Annie said no, but she said she would love it if he did. Stacy said she wished her dad had the hots for her, but he just ignores her. “Mine does too.“, Annie said. Stacy looked at Annie puzzled, and said: “Well, if he jerks off on your panties, he must have desires for you, don’t cha think???” Annie got to thinking about that. She heard that guys think about the girl they’d like to fuck the most when they jerk off…..she wondered…. (‘Does my dad have a secret desire to have sex with me? I have to find out someway.’) She decided to talk to her mom about why dad and her don’t sleep together, and maybe find out something about mom and dad’s sex life. She told me……. “ That evening I went into mom’s bedroom and said she had some questions for her. Mom was sitting up in bed said to close the door. “Annie, your dad and I have a problem. You must keep this to yourself. I love oral sex. I love the taste of cum and the smell of it drives me wild. Your dad just wants regular sex. He won’t even lick my pussy, so I’m not ...