Attitude Fix: The story of my half brother, our sleazy mom and the alternative to pain in life
Date: 11/17/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Female Domination,
Author: Alpha_Male_NY, Source:
Like all girls before her, I knew she'd play the role of defiance very shortly. But as soon as I lined them up outside overlooking the wired fences, the mined fields, the vicious dogs, all of them knew I meant business. It wasn't rare that some of them would piss on their panties, vomit, shit and/or throw up. It's a sobering reality, no one is beyond the threshold of fear, specially girls. The sun was at its brightest point in the sky and no one could hear you scream and cry; the faster you get used to the idea that there there was really no way out, the better off you are. We all come to grips sooner or later with our own limitations whether these manifest physically (how strong you are, for instance) or mentally (how intelligent you are, what have you done to show your prowess), and, almost instantaneously, we learn how we fit in socially. Are we aesthetically or economically superior...? We know, whatever weapon we have at our disposal, it is best to learn sooner rather than later how to use it, and use it over and over again. If your inclinations are of an introspective nature, focus and build from within; if you're more into displays of physical dominance, such as an athlete, then practice and be your best. Whatever your call may be, don't waste time, abandon yourself to it. Of course, many people lack skills or possess talents that aren't financially viable; others are immersed in their dreams, but do little, even though they may very well possess the greatest gift. ...
... Let them sleep, we need no more rivals. Long ago, I discovered by accident I had a talent for what I do. Some of us are lucky enough to know what we are good at and how to take advantage of it. And not all of us do so in the most noble ways. Just like you may recognize not having the stomach for the darkest deeds, though you may fantasize about it, at least you have an imaginary outlet: fiction. For years, I wrote essays on self-improvement, mainly speaking about the masculinity, considering myself a self-made macho, but it didn't get me anywhere. People may pick up a detective or horror novel, out of boredom, but what really excites them is the darkest of themes. That's why they come here and read all of these stories, and these stories outsell the conventional ones, though not many people consider them great literature. No one can aspire to be a modern version of Marque de Sade, all of the newest generations of writers are wanna-be Stephen Kings; you may have seen girls on the subway with a copy of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, fervently reading it as if it were a feminist act. Little do they know that the original title of that book is: "Men who hate women." Misogynist? No, thanks. I love women and women love me. I am characterized by taking calculated chances. Where I come from, it's easier to be in touch with your animal nature. It's not an easy task, but some of us are talented at it. Dealing with difficult women was my specialty. Take my older half brother, for ...