1. Moneybags and Scumbags

    Date: 9/25/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: domiKNITrix, Source: LushStories

    ... table, she walked to the door of the room. "I'm going to make some tea. I want you in position while I'm gone, ready for me to tie your hands. I got into position, with my wrists crossed behind my back, my left ear and the strap of the gag resting gently on the cold floor. "No, I want to tie your hands in front this time." I moved my hands to my lower abdomen. She nodded and smiled approvingly before turning, stepping out the door, and closing it quietly behind her. Minutes ticked by, and they seemed so much longer without her presence. Those ten minutes felt closer to thirty. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I heard her footsteps, high heels clicking, and then the door opening. She stepped through the door, and down the two stairs. She sat on the massage table with her hands around the cup in her lap. "Not much of a puddle yet, is there? That's no fun. Guess the blackmail will have to wait." She sipped her tea; a dull, unimpressed expression on her face. "I was thinking I'd send photos to your ex-wife, so she can see what a pathetic maggot she left behind." Not only did that idea get my salivary glands amped up, but it also caused my penis to harden. Spit pooled around the side of my face at a faster rate than before. She scrolled through her phone, the light from the screen illuminating the brown skin of her face and neck. She leisurely sipped her tea. Once the last bit was drained from the cup, she set the cup down on the massage table. "Finally, a significant puddle ...
    ... for your face." She turned the phone towards my face. Unprepared, my eyes involuntarily squeezed shut when the flash occurred. "Not very photogenic today, are we?" She giggled. "Now for a short video or two." She stepped up, walking a few steps closer to me. I heard two short beeps, indicating that the phone was recording video. "And we're rolling. Here is your scumbag ex. Did you know he likes bathing himself in his own spit while being gagged? It really is better that way. He can't say much. Oh, another fun fact; he adores being spanked." Between sentences, she spanked my ass with her hand by surprise. It stung a bit, even through my slacks. "Do you know how much he pays me to do this to him? Twenty-four thousand dollars. And he just hands it over, like it's nothing. He begs me to take his money." She stopped recording video, and allowed me to watch as she emailed it to my ex-wife, along with the picture she'd taken moments earlier. "Get back up, on your knees," she instructed. I cautiously lifted myself off the floor, my own disgusting spit covering the left side of my face. The feeling of it dripping made me cringe. She unbuckled the gag and slowly, gently unhooked it from my mouth. I instinctively closed my mouth, moving my lips around to relax my face from having been stationary for about forty minutes. She began wrapping my wrists in hemp rope. Finishing it off with a knot going between my wrists, she tied the two free ends to a metal fastener attached to the floor. "You ...