1. New people (chapter 3)

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Anal First Time Mature Author: xhampster1fannn, Source: xHamster

    I was so beside my self with happiness and excitement with the possibility of getting some pussy. I had forgotten the tentative plans I had made with Gemma. In the restaurant business almost everyplace closes at the same time so there's almost no where to go. Fortunately there were some enterprising people that were smart enough to capitalize on this lack of entertainment . The old fashion "Speak easy" was alive and well and operating in the old neighborhood. With a small donation to the police department, These "after hour clubs" (as they were called) where allowed to operate. Gemma and I had been regularly going to one of these clubs after closing up the Restaurant. Davey's was run by (you guessed it ) a halfway connected guy named Davey. Davey was a handsome pork chop of a man in a silk shirt and gold chains. He had the hots for Gemma. They had stuff in common, both ran a successful business, both loved to drink wine, and both hated and scared the shit out of "Big D" Making Gemma feel safe and kindred to another person that openly hated the most popular guy in the old neighborhood . Evenings when we were there I'd enjoy watching Gemma and Davey flirt. It was kind of cute. I used to tease Gemma about Davey and his school boy crush on her. Gemma would giggle and mime me the one hand brush of, as if swatting at some invisible fly. Madison had now woven her arm around mine interlocking our elbows. Madison gently nudge me and said well lets make our way. I couldn't tell if ...
    ... the look on Gemma's face was one of disappointment or of intoxication. Gemma, did seem taken aback by the thought of me leaving with her new friend, to go god knows where. Seeming to catch her self Gemma snap to alertness and say "Are you going to go to Davey's later on?" I answered "Ahh yeah maybe ... probably um Yeah" Not knowing how truly to answer the Question Gemma had posed to me. I didn't want to be presumptuous and say no. For fear that Madison would be turned of by me assuming I'd be unavailable because I was banging her all night. I also didn't want to disappoint my boss and friend Gemma with a "no" either . I said "I'm going to walk Madison home and I may drop by Davey's later on." Gemma said " well if you do I'll see you there." Then in her boss voice Gemma blurted out "and Drinks are on you for being late!" With a warm smile (as if to grant me permission) she waved a hand in farewell. Madison and I both waved goodbye and headed for the door . Once outside I felt the warm June night on my face . It was a beautiful night temps were warm but comfy and the sky was clear and full of stars. Madison still had her arm in mine and made small talk about the neighborhood and me being a "native". As we made our way down toward Market street I felt better and better about my chances with this sexy Woman. Madison seemed out of my league on several levels making me all the more aroused. The thought that this sexy sophisticated creature wanted me for one thing and one thing only. ...