1. Sebastian The Male Escort - Part 4/6

    Date: 9/24/2015, Categories: Gay Male, Author: jasonshomoerotica, Source: LushStories

    ... Friday. I picked up my ‘business cards’ on my way to Mike’s and was in place behind the bar half an hour early. What was truly nice as a newcomer to the bar, was the fact that all four present bartenders made me feel very welcome. I was not an outsider to be given the cold shoulder as might well have been the case, but was accepted as another colleague from the word go. I got Mark to start explaining to me how some of the cocktails were put together, as I had no idea at all of where to begin. “Don’t worry,” he said, “just look, here under the bar counter where there is a list of the most popular concoctions which our customers order, so you can always check the ingredients and quantities if you are unsure, and if a customer orders something not on the list, simply shout to me and say ‘One whatever it is, please Mark’ and I will deal with the order. It won’t take you long to learn,” he added: what a nice helpful guy! I have to say that I hoped to hell he was right, as some of the drinks were quite complicated and involved five or six ingredients. We were soon in the mid-day rush and I had my work cut out to serve the customers quickly. Towards the end of the rush hour, a well dressed man handed me his card over the counter and said, “Give me a ring will you, I have a proposition for you” and walked out of the bar. I looked at the card and saw that this man was evidently the Chief Legal Advisor to some nearby company, whose name meant absolutely nothing to me. Anyway, later ...
    ... that day I gave him a call and he asked me to come and see him in his office around four o’clock that afternoon, which I duly did and came away with my second commission, set for the following Monday afternoon at around three thirty. “Four hundred bucks, ” he said, ‘that’s fine, see you Monday afternoon.” I took the opportunity to leave him my card. “Sebastian,” he said looking at it, “A nice name.” and that was that. I simply could not believe how easy it apparently was to find, or rather to be found by guys who were willing to lay out top dollar for sex. Mike’s place was clearly a good place for picking up paying clients and Craig’s ideas had clearly been quite correct. When I got back that evening, and told Craig about my second client, he simply said “I told you so - got to rush Sebastian as I have to get on my way upstate for the weekend. See you late Sunday evening. Have a nice two days” And he was gone. It was Friday evening and I was alone in the apartment. Craig had gone off every Friday night to see his girlfriend, leaving me alone in the apartment, and for the first few weeks I had spent other Saturdays and Sundays, working off my shifts at Jonathan’s Gym. But now I was no longer employed by Jonathan and I had nothing either pending or planned. It gave me time, for the first time since I had arrived in New York some three months earlier, to reflect on what had happened to me, and how my life had suddenly changed – for the better as far as I could see. The most ...