Not My Husband's Baby
Date: 10/31/2016, Categories: Fantasy Anal BDSM Black, Cheating Cuckold, Domination/submission Enema, Female Domination, Group Sex Humiliation Interracial, Pregnant, Toys, Wife Written by women Author: Trixie Tango
There have been few constants in my life but there things have remained the same. 1.)I have always had a vivid imagination. 2.)Im a nympho with a porn addiction (thank goodness for xnxx!) 3.) The more I experience the more extreme and even gross my porn selection and fantasies become. I gave up my crazy lifestyle about a year ago when I met my husband. I went from orgies to him literally overnight. He kept me so consumed working on his problems and proving to him that I wanted only him that I even fooled myself into believing I was "cured". I have been faithful to him throughout our relationship, although there has been plenty of temptation. Now he's starting to break the ice about having kids. There is one fantasy I cannot shake off. At first it horrified me but now I find it kind of sexy. I havent had the opportunity to sleep with BBC yet. I bought a pretty large black silicone dong a few months ago. This was an awesome one smooth silicone great vein detailing; not those cheap plastic or rubber ones that seem like everyone is using nowadays. (Seriously people these things are going inside you if it isnt glass or silicone its gross and not in a good way!) I got home with it and explained to my husband that it was homework for product knowledge. (I work in the retail world of the adult industry so Im always getting things from vendors to try like and promote or give feedback on negative findings). He flipped and went on a whole rampage of wanting Penis emlargement surgery. ...
... Side note advice: Men if your partner sleeps with you two or three times they like or have accepted your penis. If you arent confident about this still, sex stores sell extensions or thickeners (think long thick cock ring) and test your partners reaction to it. Also if you have a female partner, if you give her an orgasm through toys, touching, or oral, she will tighten up. Sometimes the solution is not increasing penile size, its decreasing the vaginal area. If you are anti-orgasm (you suck) but they sell vaginal shrink cremes at sex stores as well. Make sure you are buying one that rehydrates the vaginal walls and isnt an irritant that will just make it swell. If you dont currently have a partner, it isnt your penis size that isnt attracting them. Its a personality flaw or your obbsession with your penis. Ive never understood why men open up a sexy conversation by sending a dick pic. Trust me, women do not just become all cock crazy and want to jump you based on that pic. Im a photographer as well and the angles and poor lighting always made me grimac and loose your number. Anyways, getting back to my fantasy. I was only ever able to use my large dong once before he threw it out. (I wonder how many large dongs are in our landfills). That was enough for me. I love this man but men can be so stupid. You really think that you can be replaced by toys?! All you are worth to me a lump of silicone? This closeminded attitude made me want to shock him. We are constantly kinky. Who ...