1. My Boyfriend likes to expose me - Part 19

    Date: 10/28/2016, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Humiliation Reluctance Written by women Author: vanessa.evans

    ... here.” Ryan said. “You want me to workout naked as well? Are you serious?” I exclaimed. “Yes of course I am.” Ryan replied, “You get free membership if you do. Isn’t that right Darren?” “It certainly is. We’ve got about 25 young ladies with free memberships at the moment. That was 2 of them you just saw walking in.” “Can we have a quick look round before we make up our minds please?” Ryan asked. Just as Ryan said that the 2 girls that we’d seen a few minutes ago walked out of the changing room; both were completely naked. “Liz;” Darren loudly said, “would you be a dear and show these 2 potential new members around please; I’m on my own at the moment and I don’t want to leave the reception un-manned.” “Sure thing Darren, no problem.” Liz said; “would you come this way please?” As we followed Liz I looked at Ryan; he was looking at Liz’s bare butt. Liz gave us a tour of the place and its facilities. We saw 4 other naked girls there; one of them was ‘spotting’ a guy who was lying on a bench lifting weights; her bald, slightly spread pussy was inches from his face. “You’re going to like it here.” Ryan said as we walked back to the reception. “But I don’t want to workout without any clothes on.” “Of course you do; you ride your bike naked at home and you complained about having to wear those shorts at the other gym.” “That’s different.” “No it’s not. By the time you’ve done 10 minutes in the workout room you’ll wonder why you had any reservations.” “I don’t know.” “Come on TT ...
    ... it’ll be no different to those hotel gyms; and I’ll be there with you.” “I hope it is different; I don’t want to be in any more ‘promotional’ videos.” “So it’s settled then; let’s get signed-up and get you naked.” As usual, Ryan had got his way. Okay, the idea of working-out without any clothes on did appeal to me; but not with other people there. I was a little nervous as we filled-in the forms and Ryan paid Darren. When we’d signed, Darren congratulated and thanked us. Then he told us that he was sure that we’d made the right decision. I hoped so. Ryan passed me a towel and told me that we’d meet outside the workout room in a few minutes. As I took my clothes off I was still nervous and I wondered just what I was getting into. I nervously walked out of the changing room, wanting to put my hands in front of my pussy and little tits but I knew that if I did I would attract attention to me, and that was the last thing that I wanted to do. I got to the workout room to find that Ryan wasn’t there. Then I realised that I should have taken my time; it’s quicker for me to strip naked when I’m only wearing a skirt and top than it is for Ryan to get changed. As I waited I looked into the room. There were 5 men and 2 girls in there; one of them was Liz, the girl who’d given us the guided tour. Both girls were naked and they looked quite happy. I guessed that they were born exhibitionists. I hoped that I never get like them. The girl who wasn’t Liz looked over to me and smiled; as she did ...