Lingerie Salesman by loyalsock
Date: 9/23/2015,
Author: loyalsock
Cindy looked in the mirror and after staring at her out sized form for several seconds, broke down in tears as her rolls of fat began shaking gently in time with her sobs!!! While she wasn't really tall, she packed a very hefty two hundred fifty five pounds on her large boned frame, and as she sobbed away, her huge breasts, that hung nearly to her waist jiggled back and forth as the tears rolled down her cheeks all the way down to her nipples!!! It had be so long since she'd had a man that she once joked to herself that she wondered what a cock even looked like or whether man had evolved into something else!!! Well, maybe it hadn't been long enough to have had evolution take over, but it had been at least three years since she'd even had a date, so as she had just turned thirty five, she was just reaching her sexual apex with no prospects for finding a partner in sight!!! She was just about to hop in the shower when the front doorbell rang, and after hesitating on whether to answer it or not, she finally threw on a robe and headed down the stairs to answer it!!! As the large door swung open she was greeted by a pleasant looking young man who must have been in his early twenties who fairly stammered, "A-are you the lady of the house!?!" "Yes, yes," she replied impatiently, "what is it, I'm really in a hurry!?!" She could sense immediately that he was very uncomfortable, and her demeanor softened somewhat as he stumbled on, "Well uh, you see, I represent the Acme Lingerie ...
... Company, and we have the finest line of fine lingerie made in America today, and if I could just take a minute of your time I'm sure that it will be time well spent!!!" After giving him another once over she asked gently, "Isn't this really a job for a woman, I mean this is kind of a personal type item you're selling!?!" "That's true," he quickly replied, "but there weren't enough women to fill all the positions available, and since I couldn't find another job of any kind, well, you get the picture!!!" "Knowing that the chances of him having anything even resembling something in her size was remote, she took pity on the young man and asked him in!!! They both sat down on the sofa, and immediately he went into his spiel about the wonderful qualities of his product when Cindy interrupted him and asked, "Since we're going to be together for a few minutes, how about giving me your name, my name's Cindy!?!" "Oh my," he replied slightly red faced, "my name's Zak, Zak Richmond!!!" Cindy stuck her hand out and offered easily, "Well it's nice to meet you Zak, now as you were saying....." "Uh, yeah," he went on, "Acme Lingerie is the best in the world, and just to show you what I mean, take a look at this!!!" Cindy sat there a little bit bemused as Zak pulled out a tiny pair of bikini panties as he extolled the virtues of his product!!! After he was finished he asked, "So, what do you think, aren't these just about the best made and most attractive panties you've ever seen in your life, I ...