Sofie's own cuckold.
Date: 10/26/2016,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Males / Female,
Author: misterjedi
Introduction: How it happened, and where it led. I've decided to take some of the themes listed in the story menu, and to write around each particular perversion. This first concerns the "Cuckold." I hope that it amuses and excites those connoisseurs who like to read of that particular kink. _________________________ I am not the original author. Sophie, having led such a sheltered life, had little in mind except for the sexual aspects of marriage when, at the tender age of nineteen, she let herself be swept off her feet in a whirlwind romance, and gave her love to Barry, a man much older than herself. From puberty however, Sophie had been constantly tormented with her sexual desire, and now that she was married, she was ready to satiate her lust, and to fuck like an animal. What she soon found though, was not the hours of torrid sexual passion that she so desperately needed, but instead, she got a husband who only fucked for a few minutes, then rolled over satisfied with himself, and went to sleep. Dismayed by this turn of events, Sophie would, night after night, take one of her shampoo or body lotion bottles and fuck herself until she was sometimes very sore, masturbating until she attained a satisfying orgasm. Having always lived at home with her strict parents, Sophie had never been able to explore the many facets of the internet; now though, she had plenty of time to explore, and soon searched out various wonderful pornography and dating sites. At first, she did this in ...
... private, but then determined that she should show her husband Barry, with the hope that it might inspire him to greater sexual performance. Accordingly, one night while they were together, she opened one of these graphically lewd sites, then called her husband to see, pretending that she'd just stumbled upon it. Barry's reaction was anything but what Sophie had hoped for; "my God," he'd exclaimed in shock, "how did you come upon such disgusting filth," and he took the mouse from his wife's hand, and quickly closed the page. Let it not be thought that Barry, because of his lack of sexual prowess in the bedroom, didn't love his young wife; far from it, he loved her dearly, and was always most caring, tender and affectionate towards her. Sophie too, loved her husband, although, because of her unsatisfied sexual lust, she found herself constantly daydreaming of adulterous exploits with other well hung men. This sorry state of affairs continued for some six or seven months after their wedding day, but then several events occurred that altered their whole relationship. One night, Barry had as usual, fallen fast asleep after having fucked his wife. Sophie had lay there fondling her now quite sloppy wet pussy. Her husband always ejected a copious quantity of sperm, and Sophie smiled as she thought to herself. "At least he lubricates me nicely." Soon the shampoo bottle came into play. Sophie now kept it always on her bedside table in readiness, and now she was slowly sliding it in and ...