The Abuse of Marie Part 4
Date: 10/25/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Blackmail, Humiliation Males / Females, Non-consensual sex Author: yoursyn
Immediately following her experience with Jerry, Marie took a week off of work to spend with her family. She wanted a few days to get away from her current life and spend it with family and friends that she could trust. The time away was good for Marie and it took her mind off of the events that have happened to her lately and her mind off of all the videos that her new friends had off her that could ruin her reputation and her life. After a week she knew she had to get back to her home and work. She left her parents early in the morning and headed back home although she hated the fact of coming back to her life that she hated now. About 20 minutes from her parents’ house, she receives a text. It’s from Jackie. She shutters at the thought of what the text is going to say but opens it regardless. It tells her to take a turn on her next right and to stop at a bard three quarters down the road. The horrifying reality set it. They’ve been watching her all week. They knew where she was and every where’s she went. They have been waiting for her to leave. All she wanted to do now is turn around and drive away as fast as she could but she knows that running away from what she is about to go through will be worse than letting them have their way again. She turn right down the road and drives until she sees a barn about the same distance that the text told her to stop at. It’s a barn in the distance down a long lane. As she pulls down the lane and gets closer to the barn she knows ...
... it’s the right one as she can see Jackie’s car. As she pulls up to Jackie’s car, Jackie comes out of the barn for a moment and motions her to come inside. Although frightened she slowly makes her way inside. One inside, she sees John, Jerry and Christie with Jackie. “What’s going on here?” Marie says staying close to the barn door. “Don’t worry Marie” Jackie says “We’re just here to talk for now. We have another proposal for you and if you agree, it all stops today and we won’t bother you anymore.” Excited, Marie finally sees some relief possible from this living nightmare. “What is it?! I’ll do it!” “Be careful what you say Marie. You don’t know what it is yet.” What we all agreed to is we’ll leave you alone if you bring us one of your friends from home to use and have you use her too. If you do that then we’ll have someone else to use and we’ll leave you be.” Marie drops to the ground hearing this and breaks down in uncontrollable crying. She can’t give up one of her friends from home. They grew up with her and they’re the only people she trusts anymore. No matter what she can’t do to them and let things happen to them what has been done to her. “I – I can’t do that to them. No! I can’t! I won’t!” Jerry walks up to Marie and walks around her. “So you mean to tell us that you’re willing to have your videos show online and everyone at work and around town instead of giving us one of your friends. We don’t care what one it is. As long as it’s one of them to replace you with.” “Go ...