Meeting Nesha
Date: 10/18/2016, Categories: True Story Blowjob Job/Place-of-work Male/Teen Female Virginity Wife Young Author: Doug Rullman
I was working nights for a few months after one of the night operators retired from our facility. I manage a pipeline terminal and storage facility for one of the larger oil and gasoline companies. I normally work Monday through Friday on day shift, but needed to cover John’s shift until we hired and trained a new operator to take over. Luckily we had just hired a new guy and he was scheduled to be done with his training in the next 12-16 weeks. Filling in wasn’t too bad and I looked forward to him joining the team. Ron had worked for me at a previous company and I considered him a good friend. This was the time of year where it was feast or famine in our industry. You may have a couple nights of many lines running then have a couple more with minimal work to do. Our terminal is manned 24 hours a day, so even if the work slows, you still need to be there in case of any alarms or problems with equipment. I had just came off my first night of 12 hour shifts and had 6 more nights to go until I received my 7 days off. I woke up after 5 hours of sleep and felt pretty rested, so I made a light breakfast and ran to my local 24 hour gym for a workout. It was Saturday afternoon and I found I had the gym to myself. The gym is located in our older downtown area near a park with a river flowing through it. I sometimes walk over to the park and sit and cool down before jumping in my car and driving back home for a quick shower. I was pretty sweaty after my workout and headed over to the ...
... park and grabbed a seat on a concrete picnic table. I saw two young girls walking along the river walk in my direction and wondered how old they were. One was dressed in extremely short shorts with a tight short top that showed her mid-section and tennis shoes. She was obviously young, but had a nice shape. She had long curly hair that was blowing around in the wind. The other was dressed in a grey and white tiger print yoga pants with a loose fitting t-shirt. She had on what I’d call skate boarding shoes and was sporting a punk style hair-do with pink and blue dyed into it. As they got closer I couldn’t help but notice how much curvier and well put together the young girls were these days compared to back when I was their age. I’m not ancient, but at 41 the girls are completely different than when I was in school. They glanced my direction and continued walking by and stopped to look at the river with their backs facing me. I admired both of their asses and curves while they threw rocks and laughed at each other. I was just about to leave when the girl in the shorts hugged the other girl and quickly walked away towards the downtown. The girl in the yoga pants set down on the wall that overlooked the river with her feet hanging over the edge. It was a pretty steep drop down to the river from that point and I was kind of impressed with her courage to sit like that. I watched her throw a couple more rocks and figured it was time for me to go. As walked away she looked back at me ...