1. Revenge, Pt 13: Insert Title Here

    Date: 10/18/2016, Categories: Fiction BDSM Domination/submission Male Domination, Romance Slavery, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: masterKDean2014

    *IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 13 I was sitting at the desk in my room with a picture of Jessica on my laptop screen. It was from her page on the school's news site. It had her listed as the founder, and the editor-in-chief. It went on to list about a dozen other groups she belonged to, including two book clubs, a chess club, and the Student's Political Union, whatever that was. It was no wonder she was stressed all the damn time. I'd decided to check out the site and a few of the articles she'd written. She was surprisingly eloquent, and her intelligence really showed in her writing style. I suppose you don't get to know that sort of thing about a person when the only communication you have for a decade is in the form of insults and threats. But I didn't like this picture of her. I looked at it for a while, trying to decide why it bugged me. She looked as beautiful as always, smiling at the camera, her bright green eyes staring in to mine. The smile, I realised. It was a fake smile. A common, plastered on, professional looking little smile. Believable, but fake. It wasn't her irritating smirk, or her wide, bright look of joy. It wasn't the sudden smile that comes from a surprise, that almost always starts a laugh. Her eyes weren't shining. I closed the page and started to idly wonder if she'd been in a bad mood the day it was taken. ...
    ... Or maybe she just couldn't smile easily. I know for me, I always needed to remember something funny to put me in the mood for a family picture, so it would look real. If I was taking her picture, I probably would have made her laugh right before taking it. Then, suddenly, I remembered the pictures I had taken of her. I pulled out my desk drawer and took out my camera, right where I'd left it after snapping some shots of her. I quickly found the right cable for it in the tangled ball of wires in my other drawer and hooked it up to my laptop, opening the images in a folder. The first one was of my family by the mantel. I shifted through a few more from that day, us laughing and smiling and playing around. Next were a few shots I took outside, to see how the pictures would look with more exposure. There a few more random pictures until I saw the first one of Jessica. Naked, blindfolded, and tied to my bed. It was quite an incredible picture, the lamp providing enough light to make out most of the detail of her body, but leaving enough darkness and shadow to leave some mystery. I made the image full screen, and stroked my growing cock in my jeans. I kept moving through the pictures, seeing the close-ups I'd taken on her face, on her pussy. She was incredible, so unbelievably beautiful. The camera really was great quality, and the pictures were of amazing definition. The last picture actually made me gasp. I'd forgotten about this one. It turns out I did try to get her to smile, ...