Karaoke Night - Side 2
Date: 10/17/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: SteveX
... consultant and had worked there for two years after gaining a degree at Uni. Craig felt quite proud of Lottie, although he wasn't quite sure why. They pulled up outside a semi-detached Victorian house in quite a nice area. Lottie got out, fished her keys from her bag and opened the door; the smell of cooking wafted out to Craig as Lottie grabbed his hand and pulled him in. "It's too late now." She said to him, then shouted, "Mum! I've brought a strange man home!" "Well let me look at him before you wear him out like the last one!" Millie shouted from the kitchen. She appeared in the doorway, her smile, the same as her daughter's, lit up the room. "Where the hell have you been?" She said seriously, but he could sense the underlying humour in her voice. She rushed to him and hugged him fiercely. He returned the hug, not wanting to release her. She smelled of cooking and perfume. "I'll finish making tea then, shall I?" Lottie said. "Mmmm." Millie replied as Lottie left them for the kitchen. They retired to the lounge as Lottie made tea; sitting together on the couch and holding hands, their knees together. "So," Millie said, "What kept you?" Craig told her how he'd searched, fruitlessly, for her, and how he'd never really given up hope of finding her one day. He told her about Stephanie, and how Emily had helped hold him together when she left them. Millie's tale was more eventful. Starting from the day they'd last seen each other, she told him how she'd left Ryan; how he'd ...
... paid for his flight home by smuggling ecstasy across from Ibiza. He'd been in the local paper two months later, caught in a club trying to sell drugs to an undercover officer. From there it had been a downward spiral for him and he was back in prison for dealing. Despite the note she'd left him, Ryan repeatedly tried to get back with her; it finally took a restraining order to make him realise that she wanted nothing to do with him. He was also convinced that Lottie was his; until he was ordered to pay maintenance and he demanded a paternity test. Lottie's father was still unknown, or he was, at least to the authorities; Millie was in no doubt as to whom the father was. She'd also tried to track Craig down, but with the arrival of Lottie, her world was turned upside-down. Her parents helped tremendously; taking care of Lottie while Millie went back to Uni and pursued her career in social work. She loved helping people; she supposed it was because of her experience with Ryan. "Tea's ready!" Came a shout from the kitchen. They got up from the couch, still holding hands, and Craig allowed himself to be led to the dining room. During the meal, Millie continued her story: She found out she was expecting five weeks after the holiday; apparently, the pill doesn't work when taken with antibiotics, and she'd had a course of them just before they left for Ibiza. Ryan had been disinterested in sex, at least with her, for a few months before the holiday, and the only person she'd made love ...