1. Dreams: On a Slow Bus to Work

    Date: 8/14/2015, Categories: Flash Erotica, Author: guiltee

    I have seen his face in my dreams for weeks. If it wasn’t such a pleasure, it would have been a little scary. The face, belonged to a man on the bus. It was a kind face, well-groomed brown hair, even at silly o’clock in the morning. Eyes, I love looking at people’s eyes. His were green. He was always clean shaven. I wondered what he would like with a couple of days growth. We never spoke, not even an acknowledgment, as we trundled our merry way around the houses until we got to the final stop. I would go one way and he the other, and never the twain shall meet, until the next morning. Except in my dreams. That first time, indeed for a few times after, I just saw his face in my visions. They would sort of pop in and then pop out again. Now though, the face had kissed me. He had kissed my lips, my neck and even my nipples, not all on the same night, no it had been at different times. All this happened on the bus. There were no other passengers, just me and him next to each other as the gentle motion of the vehicle moved us to and fro. When I awoke the following morning they seemed so real. They also seemed so real somewhere else as well. I blushed the first time I realised that I had a wet dream. My thighs sticky wet with the conclusion of my naughty thoughts. Three nights ago things took a distinct turn. Whilst he was kissing the nape of my neck I reached across with my right hand and found what it sought. His bulge. The bulge that told me he was as excited as I was. I ...
    ... rubbed my fingers gently up and down it. It grew as I did so. It grew until I could feel it straining against the material of his black trousers. Unzipping him was a bit difficult with one hand and the tent effect I had caused, but with a little jiggle it came out. My eyes widened at the sheer size of it. Nine inches? Maybe more. As I pulled down the foreskin the big bulbous end glistened, the slit staring at me menacingly and with intent. My right nipple was being caressed and teased, so I did the same to him. My eager fingers and thumb wrapped around it as they slowly, at first anyway, pumped his cock. Isn’t it always the way with dreams, just as they get to the most exciting part they end. They just stop in the middle of nowhere, or in this case in the middle of a wank. I awoke frustrated, and what’s more I had no time to finish what my dream had started before I had to shower ready to catch the bus. The bus journey didn’t help either. Luckily he sat behind me that day and so I least I didn’t keep looking at his manly face for the next twenty minutes. No it was just me, my thoughts and my ever dampening knickers to contend with. Last night it happened, for some reason I missed out on the fun the night before. I put it down to what happened on the bus earlier. He sat next to me. He smiled at me as well. My mind turned to mush, my heart pounded and my thighs rubbed themselves involuntarily for the whole journey. My eyes, I tried to make them look forward but it was no good they ...