Jay and Amy part 5
Date: 10/7/2016,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: jvo, Source: sexstories.com
... hand walking up to Mike, when we see him straighten up from his motorcycle and a very grim look takes over his face. I look over to see what he’s looking at and it’s Andrew and Emily walking towards us. “Cops had a good laugh on Saturday when there was no hostage taken. Even apologize about interrupting our party. And then let us continue our underground,” Luke says behind us, he’s putting it on thick but I’m sure Andrew and Emily wouldn't know the truth. “What? You should have been in jail!” Andrew yells to us. “That can’t be, the girl was there to stop it and plus the cop call was perfect…” Emily starts to say but then stops when she realizes that she said it out loud. “Fucking playing games and shit. Don’t play too hard or you’ll get fuck,” Mike says calmly. But the brothers are anything but calm, Michelle and I can feel the tension in the air. “OOOoo, I would love to get fuck by you,” Emily purrs to Mike. “Not even when I’m dead bitch,” Mike says bitterly back. Michelle and I break out laughing making Emily stomp her foot and looking at her twin for support. “I’ll keep fucking with you guys until you’re all bury in shit. Mark my fucking words,” Andrew says angrily back to us. His veins are popping out his forehead and neck. His crew and cousin Chad walk up to us too and start to surround us. Chad’s face looks cave in by the beat down he received from Luke. His eyes are still swollen, his nose has tape over it, his mouth is twice the regular size. “I always love a ...
... challenge,” Mike says and pauses to look around at the guys and girls around us. “Amy and Michelle will have no problem taking down the bitches. Jay, Luke and I got the barley boys. We handle more before, and the outcome of that wasn't ideal but it sent a message. We’ll try to send another message today,” Mike finishes and starts to crack his knuckles. Some of the guys and girls start to look scare and look around. Some actually start to back away, probably knowing Mike’s story and wouldn't want to become another story. “They always say number ain't shit, I usually agree with that shit. But not today.” That came from Jordan, Jay’s best friend. He walks up to us with his own crew of guys and girls. When I look over at Andrew, he’s swallowing nervously. The school bell rings outside and all of Andrew’s crew all power walk away. Leaving only Andrew, Emily, and Chad left...surrounded by Jordan’s crew. “Another fucking day,” Andrew says to us and walks away with Chad and Emily. “Thanks everyone, you’re all fucking amazing. Now get to class!” Jordan screams out making everyone walk away. Mike, Luke and Jay all gave a man shake to Jordan and thank him for having his back. Michelle and I hug and kiss Jordan on each of his cheek to say thank you. “Damn, that’s nice,” Jordan says while grinning at us. I feel like someone’s watching us so I look over to my side and see a red camaro idling at the curb. When the red camaro sees us all looking, it drives off leaving smoke behind. “Nicole,” Mike ...