1. Beginnings: Chapter 2 - Formalities

    Date: 9/21/2015, Categories: Lesbian Author: claire2013, Source: LushStories

    ... that?” “Yes, Miss Hamilton, I can,” I replied. Her fingers continued to clutch my hair tightly. “You have exquisite, soft lips, Lucy,” she continued. “All they really need to perfect them is some suitable gloss.” With that, she lifted the two fingers which moments before had been tantalising the desire that had been, and was still, burning between my legs. They were glistening and shimmering with the viscous essence of my lust. Slowly, she moved her fingers to my lips and began to smear my liquid lust liberally over my lips, coating them, before pressing her two fingers into the warmth of my mouth and finding my tongue. I felt myself beginning to suckle gently on her fingers, tasting myself on them, and moaning softly. Within seconds all I could smell and taste was the overpowering scent of my sex. “Now go and take those papers to my secretary right away, Lucy.” I nodded and slid off the desk as cautiously as I could, conscious of the burning sensation in my bottom. I began to bend down tentatively in order to pick up my panties, which Veronica had dropped on the floor a few minutes earlier. “Did I tell you to put your knickers back on, Lucy?” Veronica demanded. “No, Miss Hamilton.” “Well leave them where they are, then, and run along and take these papers to my secretary.” As I left Veronica’s office, clutching an armful of papers, I realised that I probably looked a mess. My hair felt wild and rebellious. My skirt and blouse were looking more than a little creased. Every ...
    ... time I took a breath I inhaled sex, and every time the tip of my tongue lightly touched my lips, I tasted it. Between my legs I still felt a tantalising, unsatisfied warmth, and a trickle of warm, liquid sex was making its languid way down my inner thigh. Besides that, my bottom felt deliciously tender. As I walked down the corridor towards the larger, open-plan office where the secretaries of the partners worked, my mind managed to put a word to the way that I was feeling at that very moment: wanton. I approached the work station where Veronica’s polite and industrious secretary, Karen McCarthy was deep in concentration, preparing bundles of court papers for another case Veronica was working on. Karen, a slim and attractive woman in her early-thirties, smiled warmly when she saw me, and with her fingers provocatively flicked back some errant strands of long strawberry-blonde hair that had dropped disobediently over her face. “I’m sorry, Karen,” I said, “but Miss Hamilton told me to tell you that she needs these papers typed up by five o’clock.” “That’s no problem at all, Miss Richardson,” she said as I passed the papers to her. “You can tell Miss Hamilton that I will have them ready by then. “Thank you, Karen,” I replied. “And how has your first day been, Miss Richardson? Has Miss Hamilton been keeping you occupied?” Suddenly I felt my cheeks flush irresistibly, and smiled awkwardly. “Yes, she has. By the way, please call me Lucy.” “That’s very nice of you, Miss Richardson, ...