1. Sex education

    11/17/2017: My name is Matt and I teach music at Hayling school. I am also the sex education teacher there. Every year the sex ed day comes and goes with children sniggering at this or going "ewww" at that. However, one year was different. In January my wife, Lilia, died in a car crash and since then I have been depressed. My wife and I used to fuck like bunnies so as you can imagine, I wasn't getting my read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Erotica Male/Teen Female School Virginity Young Author: Lord Sylvanas, Source: sexstories.com
  2. You Ain't Gonna Believe What I Found on the Intrnet

    11/17/2017: "You ain't gonna believe what I just found on the internet.” It was the first words my brother, Bill, spoke when I answered the phone. “Do you have your laptop handy?” “Sure, hold on a second… okay, I got it, what’s up?” “Go to XNXX.COM, it’s a helluva good porn site.” “Bill, I don’t need to watch porn to get my dick hard. I’m not old and decrepit, like you.” “Don’t give me any shit, Don, just go read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cum Swallowing Discipline, Incest Male/Teen Female Masturbation Rape Spanking, Virginity Young Author: Don'sdick, Source: sexstories.com
  3. Father's Day Taboo: A Gemini Breeding Session.

    11/16/2017: The second & last part in the two-part series. Little slow going at first, but it picks up as it goes along. *********PART TWO: ALL IN THE FAMILY************* As we all got ready for what was about to be an exciting day, my son Julian called to wish me both a Happy Father's Day & a Happy Birthday. "So when are Damian and Lila coming over dad?" Julian asked. Then I told him, "About later this read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Consensual Sex Female solo, First Time Group Sex Incest Male / Older Female, Males / Females, Masturbation Older Male / Female, Pregnant, Virginity Voyeurism Wife Author: Speedinator72, Source: sexstories.com
  4. A Hot Teen Prescription 3 - Dominance

    11/15/2017: ***Third part of the series, what do you think? Comments appreciated.***** I sat on my bed, thinking. It was Wednesday night, just one day removed from giving myself a blowjob with Adrianna's intoxicated mouth. She still had no idea she had taken my baby batter in her belly. She further still had no idea that sitting on my dresser was a package of condoms I had bought earlier on my way home from read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Extreme, Hardcore Male/Teen Female Rape Teen Virginity Young Author: DaSpark, Source: sexstories.com
  5. The Satan's Child

    11/8/2017: Preface: Obviously the story is fictitious and related to incest, that of a son raping his mother. For those who think its taboo, should not read it. Kindly note that English isn't my first language; hence this is my first and best attempt to convert my thoughts into words. Opinions, comments, brickbats, are all welcome . My mom, Ramya had given birth to me when she was only 19. My father left us, read Sex Story
    Categories: Dark Fantasy Asian, Incest Male / Older Female, Male Domination, Non-consensual sex Pregnant, Rape Virginity Author: mihidase, Source: sexstories.com
  6. Latifa, the hijabi whore, Pt. I

    11/4/2017: *All character likenesses are coincidental. Please take a few seconds to rate and comment, your feedback determines how/whether I write more stories, thank you!* Latifa Begum is an 18-year-old college student, in her final year of college; she was excited to be finally moving away to university. As quite a confident and assertive woman brought up in a Muslim household, she often rebelled and did read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Humiliation Interracial, Non-consensual sex Reluctance Spanking, Virginity Young Author: RBegum, Source: sexstories.com
  7. One Thousand Apologies - Part 2 (censored)

    10/26/2017: This is the censored version of Part 2, which was blown into the ether for violating the age policy. I knuckled under to admin in order to have an archive for any new readers who come across the more recent parts and want to know the whole story, how we got started on this. The ages are important to the story, but I'd rather leave them ambiguous than lie, so use your imagination. FYI, the unedited read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Erotica Incest Masturbation Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long, Source: sexstories.com
  8. The Devils Deflower

    10/25/2017: (All characters are over the age of 18) He sighted her from across the street drinking a cup of coffee. As he got closer he eyed the pretty young woman. She was wearing a fitted sweater over her sports bra along with black yoga pants that conformed around her cute butt. Natalie held a sweet smile as he greeted her. He apologized for being late as she stood up to hug him. "You look amazing." He read Sex Story
    Categories: Dark Fantasy Asian, Cruelty Domination/submission Male / Female Teens, massage, Mature Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Rape Reluctance Romance School Virginity Author: Saya_Sakai, Source: sexstories.com
  9. Bailey and Jade part 2

    10/24/2017: The two woke up from their nap, and heard the door open. SHIT! they threw on some clothes, and ran down to greet their mother. "What are you doing home early?" Jane asked. "Your father is on this business trip, and I didn't want to go for the whole thing." "Alright" she said smiling. A few hours passed. Mom was in her room, and locked the door. She got out her strap on for some play time, but it read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Female / Girl, Female/Female First Time Fisting, Girls / Female, Group Sex Incest Lesbian Masturbation Oral Sex Teen Male/Teen Female Threesome Virginity Young Author: DR_smilez, Source: sexstories.com
  10. Nate Ch.1

    10/22/2017: "Good morning sweetie" I kissed my wife's cheeks and hugged her. "Hey baby, early work?' she asked as she continued cooking breakfast. "Yea, early business meeting, no time for breakfast, and I'm already late, gotta go baby" I called while walking out the apartment door. "I turned the corner, running into my neighbor's daughter Emma. She was wearing her school uniform, the skirt flared around her read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Cheating massage, Older Male / Female, Virginity Written by women Young Author: notjustanybody, Source: sexstories.com