1. Wartime Comfort House Diary - Day 8 Shemale

    10/21/2023: I was the Commander of the Japanese Imperial Army stationed in occupied Shanghai during the Empire of the Sun conquest. Born in a honorable military family, I was destined to become a great general. My genes gave me an outstanding physique, improved by committed Samurai training started at an early age. I excelled in all Japanese martial arts as well as hand and weapon combat. My career began as a read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Asian, Authoritarian, BDSM Bi-sexual Blowjob Body modification, Coercion Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Extreme, Foot or shoe fetish, Group Sex Hardcore Lactation, Male / Females Mind Control, Oral Sex Slavery, Threesome Torture, Transgendered, Transsexual, Violence Author: rojac29, Source: sexstories.com
  2. Pick Me

    10/17/2023: I love hanging with the guys. It’s such a nice change of pace. Girls are always bringing drama wherever they go. It’s kinda sad that I have to affiliate with them. Everything’s always the men’s fault. Can’t get a nice job? Men. Can’t afford to buy food? Men. Dropped out of college? Men. Can’t seem to make a relationship work? Men. Girls just can’t take accountability. Which is why I’m glad I’m read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Coercion Cruelty Erotica First Time Male/Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Virginity Author: Eccho, Source: sexstories.com
  3. Rick and Lilly go to blacks beach

    10/13/2023: Couples first time at nude beach Rick and Lilly have been friends for years. They just graduated from high school and he had finally hooked up with her for the first time. He always had the biggest crush on her and spent many of a night stroking his dick thinking about her. She was the idyllic California blond. Golden shoulder length hair, very cute pretty face with these adorable dipoles when read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Boys/Teen Female, Coercion Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, First Time Group Sex Male Male/Teen Female, Reluctance Voyeurism Young Author: beachshow, Source: sexstories.com
  4. TRUE STORY! Who's Really In Control Here?!?

    10/10/2023: I’ve had fun posting here, and these are two more of my real-life stories posted on this site: Never In a Million Years: www.sexstories.com/story/101292/ - What Happens In Vegas ... : www.sexstories.com/story/101639/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- At the time of this story I was closing in on 40 years old but still had the libido of a 16yo read Sex Story
    Categories: True Story Authoritarian, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Coercion Consensual Sex First Time Hardcore Torture, Author: Detroit_Rising, Source: sexstories.com
  5. Golden Lust Ch.02

    10/1/2023: I don't know what happened to my life. Ever since what happened with Samantha the other day, I can't get those events that happened out of my mind. I actually followed my big sister to the bathroom, undressed her by pulling her panties down, set her down on the toilet and spread her legs, and actually buried my face between her legs while she took a huge piss. God I shouldn't have done any of read Sex Story
    Categories: Diary , Coercion Domination/submission Female Domination, Incest School Teen Male / Female Threesome Water Sports/Pissing, Author: HypnoticGold, Source: sexstories.com
  6. Ashley's last time Re4 parody

    9/26/2023: Every step Ashley took felt wrong. She had been following behind Leon for so long, it was odd to take the lead. He always kept his gun next to his cheek and took every step with caution. She knew as she had been watching him from behind while she cowered like a child. She relied on him to keep her safe but she did not feel safe now. He had gotten slower, a result of the many injuries he had read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Bondage and restriction Coercion Consensual Sex Cruelty Cum Swallowing Death, Domination/submission Enema, Extreme, Fan fiction, Mind Control, Monster, Murder, Non-consensual sex Older Male / Female, Rape Reluctance Snuff, Teen Violence Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: sandstorm3636, Source: sexstories.com
  7. Discovering Myself

    9/24/2023: Greg and I have been dating for nearly a decade, a span of time woven with countless threads of cherished moments and deep affection. He is the epitome of my dreams, a man whose kindness and love have been the unwavering constants in my life. Just last month, during a moonlit dinner under a canopy of stars, Greg transformed an ordinary evening into a milestone. As he knelt before me, his eyes read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Body modification, Cheating Coercion Cruelty Domination/submission Extreme, Hardcore Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Author: profanity89, Source: sexstories.com

    9/22/2023: Growing up in the small, rural town of Ledbury.... a little village just a bit west of London....Trent loved horses and dreamed of someday becoming a steeplechase jockey. But he quickly grew too big, and had to give up on his dream before he was even out of secondary school. In an effort to stay close to his beloved horses Trent took a job working around a horse barn near his childhood home read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Blowjob Cheating Coercion Male/Female Reluctance Written by women Author: FrameByFrame, Source: sexstories.com
  9. An Arm And A Leg

    9/19/2023: “Mathilde!” Dany bellows from his bed. Mathilde sighs before putting down her book and making her way to his room. “Whaaat?” she answers, “I’m thirsty. Could you make me some juice?” She groans and goes downstairs and pours him a cup. While it annoys her that he’s being such a baby, she can’t help but to feel that she deserves it. She was the one driving the car and wasn’t paying read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Bondage and restriction Coercion Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Humiliation Incest Male/Female Non-consensual sex Reluctance Author: Eccho, Source: sexstories.com
  10. My Photogenic Mom 13 (corrected)

    11/14/2017: 13 Harold woke up with Karen's ass pressed tight against his stomach. He tried to get out of bed without waking Karen so that he could get a shower. Standing in the bathroom looking at her he realized that Karen was almost everything he wanted in a woman. She was bright pretty and sexy. Most of all she was ready to try almost anything in bed. With that thought he got in the shower. Sex was the read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Ass to pussy, Blackmail, Blowjob Coercion Cum Swallowing Humiliation Incest Male / Older Female, Reluctance Author: cameraman12035, Source: sexstories.com