1. Tech Support 4 by loyalsock

    11/17/2015: The feeling of Aaron's dick stroking hard into her ass felt more incredible than she could have ever imagined! She reached down and touched her clitoris. "Oh...my..." Sarah tried to be vocal, but the intense sensations inside her were taking her breath away. She could only whimper in her extreme joy. Rarely did conventional sex bring her to orgasm. She didn't know for sure why, but their normal, not-so-adventuresome way of making love just didn't seem to turn her crank all the way. But as she made contact with her vagina, her ass being hammered by Aaron, a delicious sensation immediately s read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Fetish, First Time Author: loyalsock, Source: xHamster
  2. Andy's Ringed Cock -6 Finale.

    11/16/2015: CHAPTER 6 E-mails were sent around to all the Group members of Carl and Bee’s announcement. It was agreed that the place for the ceremony would be Master/Rob and slave/Heather’s home. The date was set for a month’s time. In, addition to the initiation of Bee, a request came from Jacki to be pledged to Andy. For this it had to be a very special gathering and all trimmings were jointly discussed read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Body modification, Group Sex Slavery, Wife Author: percyofold, Source: sexstories.com
  3. Luckiest night in my life!

    11/16/2015: So here i was, off work, and hoping to find some fun online. I had posted a couple nsa ads, replied to a few, and gotten no replies. But then this gurl amber told me she wanted me asap. I'm always eager and ready to go, so i hopped in my car and headed over right away. When i got there the bathroom was closed in her hotel room, and there was a pile of clothing all around us. But the bed was clear and that was all that mattered. She grabbed my hands and started kissing me. While sucking on my lips, she pulled me on top of her on the bed, and put my hand on her crotch. Under her nighti read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Group Sex Shemales, Author: kevlar20, Source: xHamster
  4. Mistress Viagra Torture

    11/15/2015: mistress Viagra torture This story is 100% pure fantasy. None of it ever happened. If you are offended by stories of a mature nature containing references to bondage and humiliation, please do not read. This is fiction!!!!! I had been chatting with a new online mistress for a number of months and during that time she had me buying all kinds of sexy woman's cloths, new sex toys and various other implements that she would have me send her pictures of once I had purchased them. Mistress had me buy several extra large dildos and extra extra large butt plugs and would instruct me via S read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal BDSM Taboo Author: NJStraponLover, Source: xHamster
  5. Back from the Future- Chapter 4

    11/15/2015: Chapter 4 I transported us all back to the ship. We had had the most intense experience with the T-Rex and I was keen to talk about all the possibilities that were open to us now. It was funny, I was already thinking of us as a group, rather than 4 individuals. Perhaps Computer was right- highly likely considering its advanced technology. Back in ship, I had us all in the 'lounge'. I say lounge, read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Hardcore Male / Females Mind Control, Author: vsfan, Source: sexstories.com
  6. My first Gay experience

    11/15/2015: My First Gay Experience True story, as far as I can remember anyway. We was down the Dog and Duck, Big Norman, Harley Charlie, that's the bloke with the 50cc Honda Moped and me and a few other lads drinking Stella and Strongbow like while we waited for a Lib Dem meeting in the back room to finish so we could meet up with Al and play pool. Their meeting dragged on like Lib Dem meetings always do, read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Domination/submission Group Sex Reluctance Threesome Transvestite, Author: JohnnoAllthwaite, Source: sexstories.com
  7. Filling My Butt With The Real Thing.

    11/15/2015: I've always been curious about other men and have had a few casual hookups but never fulfilled my fantasy of having a warm hard dick in my ass. I had a couple girlfriends stick a finger in my ass and one even stuck a dildo in me but I wanted to know the feeling of being another man's bitch while getting a nice hard fuck. My girlfriend was out of town for the week and I had spent a good part of my nights looking at gay porn and fantasizing. I would dress in her panties and lingerie and fuck myself with her dildo. Each day my desire for the real thing grew greater. I had heard abo read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Gay Male, Mature Author: CDMichael47, Source: xHamster
  8. Marie by loyalsock

    11/15/2015: I had noticed Marie at the market checkout line every time she had the warmest smile and always asked how I was doing. When I asked her age she said twenty five,which was fifteen years my junior. When asked if she had a boyfriend she laughed and said they had went separate ways.Being the only one in line I went on to ask if she would like to take in a movie after her shift ended.I would love to she smiled shyly.I'll pick you up at eight then.As I drove out of the parking lot my mind drifted to her beautiful soft brown ebony skin and the luscious pair of 36C boobs with hard nipples that always read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal First Time Interracial Sex, Author: loyalsock, Source: xHamster
  9. "I Should Have Known It Was a Sat Up....&quot

    11/15/2015: Bare with me as I tell you this... Miranda, is her name, she was new to the neighbor hood by two years. We all had watched her grow and blossom into such a lovely young voluptuous young lady. No she wasn't fat or heavy, but she was very well built, She stood 5'7" tall, and about 165lbs, eyes and a smile, with perfect natural teeth, that would melt a mans heart. We knew each other and ofttimes intermingled with each other in the neighborhood, by that I mean she lives on my block and when there was a party on the block she would ask me to either walk her to the party or walk her home read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Gay Male, Hardcore Author: d4david, Source: xHamster
  10. I'm Sorry, Daddy

    11/14/2015: Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Anal Cheating Erotica Extreme, Incest Reluctance Author: Unknow user, Source: sexstories.com