1. My first true sex and feet story

    5/28/2016: Sex something I love to do, but feet ladies feet are my weak spot. Melissa knew that the best truly able to use her feet with sex and the means to gain sex from me basically just used her feet to control me. This story I'm going to share is about sex also about the reason why i love feet so much with women. Melissa curvy big boobed very much a woman to take care of herself. Also a woman who new what you wanted when it came to sex. We met one August day while she was visiting from Jersey. I walked up to her standing on the porch noticing her black flip flop first before I just walked up her fa read Sex Story
    Categories: Fetish, Author: beast255, Source: xHamster
  2. Divorced Tease

    5/28/2016: Nicole jumps out of the shower and stares at her body in the mirror. She cannot help but smile at the image reflected back at her, 35 years old, divorced, no boyfriend, 5' 6" tall, hot and sexy and horny. Her full C breasts stood at attention, curving into her trim waist and flaring back out around her round ass, trailing down her lean legs. Leaning forward she studies her blue gray eyes which pop read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Author: horny fox, Source: sexstories.com
  3. Threat of Blackmail

    5/28/2016: THIS HAPPENED IN EARLY 2011 It was a beautiful Spring day, it was warm and Donna and I were sat out in the garden when out of the blue Ali turned up, she and Donna used to get on great guns when she lived opposite but this day trouble was in the air or so Ali thought. As both girls got a cool drink they were chatting away when Donna went to the toilet Ali said to me “Shag me or I’ll tell her”. I won’t give in to blackmail so I told Ali “Fucking tell her then”. As the two girls continued their conversation suddenly Ali said to Donna “Me and my mate shagged ***** before Christmas while you read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Group Sex Mature Author: maturemancock, Source: xHamster
  4. Reece's Bigger Pieces Part 2

    5/28/2016: Reece stepped through the school doors with a sly smile on his face. He walked, rucksack over one shoulder, with a kind of swagger he’d never had before. The corridors were deserted; it was the middle of first lesson but Reece wasn’t late. He was right on time. Making his way to the Geography corridor, Reece passed two blonde girls the same age as him, both sporting short, tight skirts, entering read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Body modification, Cum Swallowing Lactation, Male / Older Female, Mind Control, Pregnant, School Teen Male / Female Author: RegDarkHorse, Source: sexstories.com
  5. Another Morgantown Gang-Bang Part 1

    5/28/2016: Another Morgantown Gang-Bang Part 1 I was given a troubleshooting gig in Morgantown, WVA for a month. When I found out about it the first thing I did was to try and arrange a little gang bang with some friends. This would be nice because, although I was there for at least a month, I’d only be working 3 or 4 days a week at the actual location. Every minute of the remaining time was all mine! By the time I was ready to leave on the little trip I had 5 guys lined-up and ready to fuck. I eased-in my favorite butt-plug, slipped into a brief panty girdle along with my favorite sun dress a read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Group Sex Interracial Sex, Author: swat412, Source: xHamster
  6. Change in Power

    5/28/2016: Dumb Blonde Joke By Davinia Word count; 3,926 Page count 11 Wife: Judy Husband: Joe Disclaimer: Please note that the story contains themes of sexual acts and language, if this offends you. Don’t read it! Judy, the wife, was using the computer to work on some monthly bills and noticed some checks for small amounts; $15 first of all and then a week later $26. The check stub memo just said Supplies – read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Author: Davinia, Source: sexstories.com
  7. My First Gloryhole Experence At School

    5/28/2016: My name is Sean, I am six teen years old and like most people I hate moving but for me its a little more shitty because I had to start a new school. My parents and I lived in the same house since I was little but after my dad got a job offer that would pay him a ton of money we had to move. It sucked having to say goodbye to what little friends I had at school before we left and as sad as it is to say I never really had a girlfriend so that at least spared me some heartbreak. I am a quiet guy I guess always shy around people so my day usually consists of going to school and then straight home read Sex Story
    Categories: First Time Gay Male, Group Sex Author: xXSecondCitySaintXx, Source: xHamster
  8. An exhibitionist abroad 2

    5/28/2016: We'd already been away earlier in the year but unexpectedly found ourselves with a bit of spare time so we made a last minute booking and flew off to Majorca. When we checked into the hotel we were a bit disappointed that our room wasn't facing the sea but was located on the side of the hotel that overlooked a street and was in turn overlooked by another hotel at the end of the block. On the plus side the room had a large curved balcony with enough room for a couple of sun loungers, the perfect place to relax and chill out. We'd been there a couple of days and had largely had a very quiet tim read Sex Story
    Categories: Voyeur, Author: olly01, Source: xHamster
  9. Stephanies New Car! (repost)

    5/28/2016: Stephanie gets a new car! It has been 2 weeks since I popped Stepanie's cherry.I was sl**ping late As I was up all night and couldnt sl**p.Stephanie called me at 11.I picked up the phone."Hey Robbie it's Stephy My grandfather just bought me a new car for my birthday and I want you to be the first to take a ride with me"She says."That's cool But I need a few more hours sl**p so come over at 3pm"I replied."Too late I am outside Your Building Mom gave me your address.I am coming up now.Will your mom Mind if I come up?"Stephy replies.She hung read Sex Story
    Categories: Anal Hardcore Taboo Author: bigrob40, Source: xHamster
  10. Enter Your Submission

    5/28/2016: Were my instructions not concise enough? To experience detention in my dungeon You must first be worthy of inviting You were to pen a sonnet Both erotic and exciting And you said, I'll get right on it Tantalize me with a titillating poem Have it on my desk by the end of today Not to even consider handing me Another Fifty Shades Of Grey So what did you do? You did it anyway read Sex Story
    Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Magnetron, Source: LushStories