1. Dessert's On Me

    Date: 9/2/2016, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    ... because I know how you love seamed stockings, and a pair of red stiletto-heeled, open-toe pumps. With my clothes laid out, I could go about the rest of the preparations. I finished the last of the housecleaning I had been doing since Wednesday's phone conversation with you. I wanted the house cleaned good and proper - it wouldn't do to show you a messy house! Then I started dinner. On the menu was prime rib with baby red potatoes, broccoli in cheese sauce and fresh baked bread. At long last it was time for me to get ready. I went into the bathroom and set out all my makeup supplies. With great care I put on my makeup, looking it over with the eye of an art critic. I know that you always want me to look my best, and this of all days it was important to be perfect. I fussed over my eye makeup, my lipstick, and blush until I was happy with the whole picture. Then I set about to brush my long brown hair. I went into the bedroom and struggled into that red latex dress. I was ready. I sat down in the living room anxiously waiting for your arrival. Tonight I promised you a special night, a dinner and after that... well, I am sure we can come with some way to spend the evening! You arrived promptly at 5:00 as we agreed and when I heard you knock, my heart stopped! I rushed to the door, but paused for a second to take a deep breath. "Okay calm down, you aren't a teenaged girl on your first date you know!" I told myself. I opened the door and my panties dampened despite my feeble ...
    ... attempt at self control. "H-hello Master," my voice cracks as I speak. You look amazing, in your fitted Armani suit. Now be honest - did you wear that suit to try to outdress me? Because if you did, you did a hell of a job at it! "Hello, my slut," you say standing there in the doorway. We stand there for a few moments, while I drink you in until I finally come to my senses. "Oh, I'm sorry, Master - please come in!" I say, blushing at my silliness and I open the door further and let you in. I take your suit jacket and hang it carefully on the coat rack. Once we get inside, I take your hand and lead you to the living room so you can be comfortable sitting on the couch. You sit on the right side of the couch so the end table is on your right and I would be sitting on your left. Always on your left when I sit next to you. You had explained why the left when we first started our journey together. "You will always sit or walk on my left side. I am right-handed and with you on my left, I can better protect you should I need to. Also when we walk together, you will be on the curb side of the sidewalk away from the street which is safer. Finally, the left is the heart side and I want you close to my heart." It was that last factor that nearly made me cry when you said it. "May I get you a drink, Master?" I ask you. With a smile and a nod, I scamper off to fix you a drink - Jack Daniels and Coke, your signature drink. I have learned just how you like them, too, and I carefully mix the ...