1. Hit the showers

    Date: 8/4/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Blowjob Cum Swallowing Erotica Oral Sex Teen Male/Teen Female Young Author: Valerie Tides, Source: sexstories.com

    ... a last time as his breath hitched. Melissa held on as warmth flooded her pussy. For several moments neither could even breathe. Then Charlee took a shuddering breath. His legs shook from the strain of keeping both up and they sank to the tiled floor. He kept one arm around Melissa and used the other to steady himself as they recovered. Charlee grunted as he felt Melissa contract her pussy around his wilting cock. He reached between them a tweaked one of her nipples as pay back. She gasped and pressed herself harder against him. After several minutes his flaccid cock popped free from her. “Good game.” “Out there or in here?” Melissa asked, too tired to chastise him for using another bad line. “In, definitely in.” Charlee said. He shifted her enough to stand then helped her up. Melissa turned off the water and they stepped back into the locker room. Katherine was laying on one of the benches, her legs spread wide and a hand furiously rubbing her pussy. Melissa felts Charlee’s cock twitch at the sight. “This is making sure no one catches us?” Katherine didn’t pause her hand as she looked up at them. “About time, you two took forever, not that the show wasn’t appreciated. And yes, I do call this making sure you aren’t caught. Think about it, anyone who comes in will be greeted with the sight of a wonderful young woman spread out before them. You two could be dancing around on fire and they’d never notice.” “If it was a guy maybe. But what about one of those old prudes like ...
    ... Weinberg?” Melissa asked. The part owner of the Riverbend Rebels was as stuffy as they came. “Oh she’d probably just die of... ug… shock.” Katherine responded before she hissed as she came. Her hand dug into her pussy before her tense body relaxed. After a few deep breaths Katherine grabbed a shirt from her bag and wiped the juice from her fingers. The three of the quickly got dressed before Katherine checked the hall and told them it was clear. Charlee and Melissa followed her out, even from inside the stadium they could hear the celebration in the parking lot was still going strong. All the better for them to slip away unnoticed. Just before they stepped out Charlee grabbed Melissa by the wrist and pulled her to him. “Wednesday, the Lincoln theater?” “Wouldn’t miss it.” Melissa replied. She smiled as he leaned forward and captured her lips in another kiss. This one a gentle pleasure. They reluctantly parted. Melissa and Katherine slipped out and along the side of the tailgate party. They may have lost but their fans weren't going to let a little thing like that stop them from celebrating. Charlee took a few extra minutes to sneak back around to his side of the stadium before he exited. Two of his teammates spotted him before he reached his car though. “There you are! Come on you’re missing a great after party!” “Who says I wasn't having my own?” Charlee asked. “Really? Details man!” Another player called out. “Not on your life!” Charlee shouted back. O==== (A/N: This is my first ...