1. He's Never Made Me Come

    Date: 8/12/2015, Categories: Oral Sex Author: toffeeapple7, Source: LushStories

    ... the chair. Picture yourself on your bed at home. You’re wearing nothing but your sexiest lingerie... and your husband’s just walked in on you with your hand down your pants.” She seemed embarrassed, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink, but slowly her tense body sank back into the chair and her muscles relaxed. I continued her story. “At first he’s surprised. Shocked, even. He’s never seen this side of you before. Panting and sighing, trailing one hand all over your body while the other rhythmically strokes your most sensitive part. Your cheeks are flushed, your hair a mess, your mouth is open... he’s never seen you look so sexy. You’re beautiful... and you’re his for the taking. He wants you. Badly.” By now her breathing had become shallower and her lips had parted slightly. Her hands seemed to be growing restless by her sides. I gently moved her knee so that her legs were no longer crossed, and rested my hand halfway up her thigh. “You know he’s there, you heard him come in, but you don’t open your eyes. You pretend you haven’t noticed him, because knowing that you’re being watched is turning you on more than you thought it possibly could. You decide to tease yourself more, and to make him wait longer. You slow your stroking and then stop, and even though you’re in control of this, you can’t help the soft whimper that slips out of your mouth as you draw your hand away from where you need it most and slowly across your stomach. You still don’t open your eyes. You don’t ...
    ... need to. You can feel the intense heat of his focus on you. You bring your hands up to your breasts. You squeeze and massage them gently, softly grazing your thumbs over your hard nipples. Your breath catches in your throat every time you graze your nipples. It’s been years since you felt physical changes in your body from arousal; you didn’t realise how sensitive you could be...” By now I could tell that all doubts and fears in her mind were long gone, she was giving herself over to pure desire and fantasy. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She gingerly ran her hands up her body towards her breasts, but then seemed to stop herself, unsure. “Wh... what if I do it wrong?” she whispered. “How could you? This is all about you. Forget me. There is no wrong. Just focus on making yourself feel as good as possible...there’s nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to make herself feel good.” At my gentle encouragement, she slowly moved her hands again to cup her breasts, but still seemed unsure. Slowly, I traced my fingertips from her thigh where my hand had been resting up her stomach, causing her breath to hitch. I softly placed my hand over hers, then did the same with my other. “Is this okay?” I whispered. She nodded slightly, and I gently squeezed her hands in mine. Even over her shirt and bra, this sensation seemed to be enough to relax her again. I squeezed again, applying slightly more pressure this time, and her head slowly tilted back as a sigh escaped her lips. ...