1. ProfNigma Stories #9: Learning Curves #11

    Date: 6/1/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... &#034There is,&#034 Jade said, speaking up finally, and sounding really depressed. &#034But I want you to know that neither of us ever really wanted to hurt you or anything, and I really hope that we can you know… still be… best friends.&#034 &#034Just tell me… please,&#034 she begged. &#034I can't… I can't do this.&#034 &#034Ok… and if you want to hate me, I will completely understand,&#034 Freddie said, touching Tori's knee. &#034But I can't… do 'this' anymore.&#034 &#034This?&#034 &#034I realized when we were in the gym the other day that… I really liked you and I wanted you.&#034 Tori just stared back looking half confused and horrified, as she searched for the meaning in his words. &#034So….?&#034 &#034I felt such a strong primal attraction and I let my desire go too far. I love you, Tori Vega… but I'm not…&#034 &#034In love with me?&#034 Tori choked out the words. &#034You 'love' me, but you're just not 'in love' with me? Is that it?&#034 Freddie scrambled for the right words to respond with but he could do little more than draw breath. &#034Umm… yeah… I guess so.&#034 &#034You guess so?!&#034 Tori said standing up, and for the first time that either of them had seen, looking furious. &#034I gave myself to you, Freddie… like completely and utterly… my body, my mind, my… my fucking heart!&#034 &#034Tori… I know-&#034 &#034No!&#034 she cut him off. &#034You don't know… neither of you do. Or you wouldn't just be doing this to me like this. I'm assuming you are in on this ...
    ... thought too, Jade?&#034 The Goth, who also had some tears on her cheeks, &#034Vega… look…&#034 &#034Jade… if our friendship ever meant ANYTHING to you, you need to spit it out right now.&#034 &#034Fine…&#034 Jade said, wiping her tears away before approach Tori and looking into her eyes. &#034Yes. Freddie talked to me about it right after you two did your workout thing, and I tried to argue, but when we talked tonight before coming down… I realized he was right.&#034 &#034Right, Jade?! How is any of this 'right’?!&#034 &#034Because I made a mistake!&#034 Jade screamed. &#034I am the one who fucked up. We had this amazing connection, and after what happened with Beck, and Nate, and that shit-fuck Hunter… I wanted you to be happy… like I was. But I could never be what you needed… and so I talked Freddie into this. Not that he needed any convincing…&#034 Tori just stared at her best friend, finally working up the energy to wipe her eyes clear of tears. &#034So,&#034 the Goth continued, stepping up so she was just inches from Tori's face, &#034I shared Freddie, the love of my life, with you. And then it was all downhill. I got jealous because I realized that you guys were a much better match for each other than anything with me. And then Freddie helped me realize what I really wanted, and what he really wanted… But then you were already involved with this… then Halloween happened. I knew there was something and one of us should have stopped it then.&#034 &#034I fell in love with ...