1. Chapter 1: A New Beginning

    Date: 4/7/2016, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: lexithong, Source: xHamster

    I can’t see anything. It’s pitch black. I think someone put a blindfold on me or something. My hands are handcuffed. I started calling for help for what seemed like hours but no one came. I think I was k**napped but I don’t remember a fight or anything. I was at home taking a shower and then I’m here all of sudden. I hear something. Is it someone coming? “Oh my! She’s gorgeous.” I hear a woman’s voice. “Hello?” I shout back. “I think we should let her see where she is, don’t you agree?” says the woman. Another woman answers. “Let’s leave her here for a bit longer.” The women walk away. I start shouting at them to let me go but to no prevail. Who’s she I think to myself? Is there another captive here? Also who were those women and what do they want with me? It must be a day or maybe less till someone else returns. “Please let me go.” I yell. “Why? You just got here.” The woman from before replies. “What do you want from me?” I hear the woman’s footsteps get closer. She takes off my blindfold. My eyes begin to adjust to the light. I’m in a pink room and there’s nothing in it. I also notice I’m naked. I look at the woman. She is gorgeous. Brunette with green eyes. She is wearing a turtle neck and a pencil skirt. She is wearing stilettos as well. “You don’t look like a k**napper.” I tell her. “We didn’t k**nap you sweetie, we just took you from your boring life.” “Well can you let me go and let me go back to my life?” I plead. “No.” she says with eyes cold. “Then what the fuck ...
    ... are you planning on doing with me?” She slaps me in the face. “You do not swear in front of your mistress.” “My mistress? What the fuck..” She slaps me again. “Apologize now. Say I’m sorry Mistress Sienna.” “I’m not saying shit, you fucking bitch.” She slaps me again. “You’re being a bad girl. Do you want me to leave you in here blindfolded for another day?” I better play by this woman’s game, she’s fucking crazy I think to myself. “I’m sorry Mistress Sienna.” I apologize. “Good girl. Now we are making some progress.” “Can you tell me what you plan on doing with me?” I ask. “You’ll see soon, it’s a lot more fun when you discover what this school has to offer.” “School? I don’t understand?” “Yes sweetie, you’re at a school. You were handpicked to come here.” “But why me?” “Enough questions for now. We have to begin.” Mistress Sienna reaches into her purse and takes out a pink collar. She straps it on to my neck. “What’s going on?” I’m panicking. She then takes out a key and removes my handcuffs. Finally I think to myself. I lunge to attack her but I start to choke and fall to the ground. “Naughty girl. You can’t attack me while you wear that collar. It won’t allow you to do anything bad. And if you try to take it off you’ll choke. So don’t even try.” I’m terrified. What kind of torture is this? What is this woman planning on doing to me? “Now first things first. Your new name is Lexi. Say it.” Says Mistress Sienna. “No that’s not my name, my name is…” she smacks my face. “Let’s ...