1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... wasn't mad at us for all sleeping together when he came in?" "He was. He was embarrassed. That's what I heard, not that it wasn't allowed. Now I think this is what he said. Tell me if I have it wrong. 'Damn, I didn't mean for you all to bunk up with each other. Why couldn't you take one floor for each sex or something like that.' Isn't that what he said?" "Oh baby, I don't know." "I agree you have to guarantee the safety of those females who choose to be isolated from the males so your signs are a good idea but I don't think they prohibit us from coming down and sleeping with you guys. And I think the Standing Orders were written in that manner to protect the rights of the females in the service. It protects their right to a free choice. Do you see it now?" "So you are saying no female has ever been punished for sleeping with a man on this base if they chose to do so." "Now you see it! I was wondering if I would ever get through to you, lover man. Is it my deal or yours?" "You know others will see you here and they will do the same. Shit will hit the fan on Monday. You know it!" "Why? We can lay out for them the same logic we just used. If no one has ever questioned them, it might be time for someone to do it. Women are coming into the service in droves and we will demand equal rights." "Now you are admitting you think I'm right." "No way. I think I am right but if no one has clarified their policy for them perhaps they have never understood it. Maybe our Master Seaman ...
    ... thinks the Standing Order makes it wrong for females to fraternize with males on the base but that does not make his interpretation right." "You should be a lawyer." "I was thinking of that and if the Navy will train me, I might." She grins, "If they don't fire me first." "Maybe you'll have to represent me Monday." They both laugh at that comment. Another couple stops in on them and Jackie starts preaching to them her interpretation of the Standing Order. Mike groans as he realizes Monday is not going to be an uneventful day. Jackie takes off with them saying, "See you later, Mike" and he absently waves to her. "What about supper?" She doesn't answer so she must be out of earshot. He checks his watch and decides to wait a bit. "Hello Coho. Where is everybody?" It's a female voice coming from the front door. Mike hears shuffling and a thud. "I can't believe you don't have transport for all my bags." He hears the door shut again and all is quiet so he steps to the door. Two bulky pieces of luggage are sitting inside the door. The outside door is pulled open again and Mike sees the back of a shapely tall form wrestling with a wheeled cart loaded with boxes and cases. He can see skis pushing awkwardly in two slightly different directions. As she pulls the cart the door tries to close on it and she quickly reaches to fling it back then quickly pulls it again but she is not quite fast enough and the door catches it again. He can hear her grunt in indignation. "Let me help you with that. ...