1. Mrs R Intrudes

    Date: 3/31/2016, Categories: Love Poems Author: flytoomuch, Source: LushStories

    Mrs R is a jealous pussy. I sit close And feel her fur. She’s between us I can hear her purr. My hands are so antsy I want to touch. We’re on the couch I want you so much. But Mrs R intrudes Mews purrs and licks. You read the news This cat has a few tricks. Your cat is so prim So proper and dignified. She cleans her paws And grins with pride. I’m at a loss Of what to do? I want you completely But your cat does too. I put my lusting arm Around your back. I think tonight We might be on track. Mrs R purrs her growl Moves territorially onto your lap, Curls up. Damn that cat I’m in her trap. “Can Mrs R go outside?” I innocently say. Hoping beyond hope that Tonight we can play. “Not my Mrs R. Not my cat.” You exclaim in retort This is her home This is her fort. Every time I want Your pussy, Mrs R makes challenge I end up a wussy. Every time I try to kiss Mrs R intrudes To perfectly wreck My romantic interlude. Damn your cat And her fluffy black fur Damn Mrs R And her conniving purr. I want your pussy So a vacation I plan Good luck Mrs R You’re staying with Maryann. You look at your pussy Trapped in her box “Will you miss her John?” “Oh yes.” My voice mocks. As we board the plane to Bali We wave to your cat I grin a victor’s grin “Goodbye Mrs R. Take that!”