1. The Dark Side

    Date: 3/30/2016, Categories: Fiction Author: afroerotik, Source: sexstories.com

    ... from everyone there, in stereo. The part of his brain that hated Black people was totally disconnected from the part of his libido that loved Black men. Correction. It would be a stretch to say that he even liked Black men; he really only lusted after what was between their legs, the bigger the better. The human beings attached to them were nothing more than low-life degenerates. It didn’t matter about their income, education, or status, they were all beneath him. Fridays at work David did even less work than he did during the rest of the week. He probably only really “worked” about 10 hours a week. The rest of the time he surfed the internet looking at porn, took long lunches where he hooked up with guys to suck off in their cars or in the bathroom of gay bars, he flirted with any woman who was in a subordinate position to him, and complained about how hard he had to work. Just for shits and giggles, to break up the monotony of looking for a cock to suck, he would troll Black websites and social media, calling Black people racists, and telling them that they didn’t know anything about the real history of slavery and repeating things he heard on conservative radio as if they were facts. He felt obligated to put Black people in their place. He felt like it was his responsibility, even if he had to make up fake profiles and pretend to be a Black person to do it. That was really ingenious in his mind. With his office door closed and his cock out, and as that 5:00 hour drew ...
    ... closer, Dave was on the hunt for some hardcore action. Stroking and surfing, Dave clicked on a fetish social website that he hadn’t been on for a while. Logging on, he saw that he had 12 messages waiting for him in his inbox. It was like taking candy from a baby, all he had to so now was sort through them and find someone who wanted to be serviced before he made his commute back to Boringville. The first message he opened was from a guy he had sucked off before and who had two . . . Dave froze. An adertisement for The Dark Side flashed in the margins. The “white” part of his brain cursed, “What the fuck is this bullshit? Who the fuck wants to see this crap?” The part of his brain that had him jerking off at his job where anyone could walk in was . . . curious to say the least. Black women were non-existent to David. The few who worked for his company were not anyone he would even have a conversation with let alone willingly interact with. He didn’t have any Black friends so he didn’t know any Black wives vicariously. He didn’t look at porn with Black women because . . . DUH, why would he? He didn’t want to see their big butts and big lips and ugly faces. Even the ugliest white woman was prettier than a Black woman Dave thought. Nonetheless, he clicked on the website. He was just doing it to find out why Bryan would be passing out flyers for them, not because he was interested or anything. He just knew there would be some sort of explanation, like maybe he was an investor and he ...